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4 Ways to Promote DEI as a Pet Business 

Embracing the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion will have a positive impact on your pet business.




DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION (DEI) are more than just buzzwords — they mean that everyone is welcome and valued. For pet retailers and service providers, embracing these principles will have a positive impact on your business. You will build strong, meaningful connections within your community, which will create loyal customers. You also will attract a broader range of pet parents.

Engaging with your community and growing diverse partnerships are the best ways to show your business’s commitment to DEI. Here are three of my favorite and most effective ways to do that:

1. HOST INCLUSLIVE ADOPTION EVENTS. Partner with an animal shelter or rescue that serves an underrepresented community. If the community predominantly speaks another language, promote in English and that language, and have available at the event materials and staff/volunteers who can communicate with potential adopters. Such efforts not only create new customers but also make the adoption process inviting and accessible for more pet parents — and the dogs and cats get into loving forever homes.

2. CO-HOST EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS WITH COMMUNITY GROUPS. Working with organizations that focus on challenges within different cultural and/or socio-economic groups, such as lower spay-neuter rates, helps to share knowledge and connect your business with a broader customer base. A session on responsible pet ownership that refers these pet parents to low-cost or free veterinary resources will enhance the lives of their dogs and cats and reduce the number of unwanted pets in their communities. This kind of collaboration also builds a sense of trust with your business. When you can, co-host the events within the communities at one of their cultural or neighborhood centers.


3. TAKE PART IN INCLUSIVE EVENTS. Supporting organizations that promote diversity, equity and inclusion shows that your commitment to these values runs deep and you’re eager to make a real difference. Sign on as a sponsor of cultural festivals, march in the annual Pride parade and/or look for other opportunities to broadcast your intentions to welcome all to your business.

4. EXPAND YOUR CHARITABLE INITIATIVES. Add organizations that promote DEI, either as their mission or simply by existing, to your rotation of fundraiser beneficiaries. Every little bit helps to fund their good works, from a small donation from a monthly nail trim event to sponsorship of a youth sports team. These are fantastic ways to support meaningful causes and grow your business’s role in a variety of communities.

All of the above will promote diversity, equity and inclusion and showcase your commitment to them as core business values. When pet business owners like yourself step up and support DEI, they help build a present and future where all feel welcome and valued. The pet industry itself centers around love, care and connection — show that there’s plenty of that to go around!



NASC Media Spotlight

At first it was just an idea: Animal supplements needed the same quality control that human-grade supplements receive. But that was enough to start a movement and an organization —the National Animal Supplement Council — that would be dedicated to establishing a comprehensive path forward for the animal supplements industry. In this Media Spotlight interview, NASC’s president, Bill Bookout, talks to PETS+ interviewer Chloe DiVita about the industry today: Where it’s headed, what’s the latest focus and why it’s vital to gain the involvement of independent pet product retailers.

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