LOOKING TO ELEVATE your store’s customer experience? Or, how about just plain drive sales? The “Why Add Live Animals to Retail” session Aug. 15 at SUPERZOO covered the many benefits of expanding into this category. To prepare attendees for this “lively” discussion, experts and retailers shared their four reasons “why.”
If you sell them, customers will come. Live Animal Specialist Eric Moore of the World Pet Association (WPA) says having prospective pets in store drives foot traffic and generates repeat business. Those who buy live animals such as reptiles, which require live food such as crickets, have to purchase their food weekly. He says, “This creates an opportunity to upsell — maybe purchase food or treats for other pets while they are there that they may have otherwise purchased online.”
The panel discussion honed in on how live animals drive sales by:
- Diversifying revenue streams: In addition to the initial pet purchase, there will be ongoing sales of accessories, food and health-care products.
- Increasing foot traffic: Live animals attract curious shoppers.
- Hosting educational workshops and events: They bring potential buyers into the store and set you up as their trusted resource.
Paul Lewis, owner of the bird-only shop Birds Unlimited in Webster, NY, says, “If I didn’t sell birds, I’d sell a lot fewer cages, toys and feed. They go hand in hand.”
Expert staff, examples of best setups and species-specific foods, treats and services attract a broader clientele that keeps coming back. For example, Rachael Creech, owner of Adventure Pets in Mandeville, LA, first started carrying live pets as part of her mission to be a full-line pet store. However, she says, “We have come to realize that having healthy and happy live pets is not only a draw for our community to visit, but also a way to bring in repeat customers.”
The session covered how adding live animals supports:
- Customer loyalty and repeat business: Excellent knowledge and service for these animals encourage purchases and referrals.
- Expertise and education: Allows knowledgeable staff to advise on care and feeding, building trust and promoting responsible pet ownership overall.
- Positive public perception: A deep knowledge and commitment to keeping these animals thriving equals good reviews and community goodwill.
- Unique brand identity: Having live animals and their corresponding services differentiates your store from those that just sell products.
Providing extra services for exotic animal enthusiasts proves key to repeat business. Lewis gives customers who buy birds from Birds Unlimited free bird grooming — wing feather and nail trims, plus beak shaping. He explains, “This gets them back in the store several extra times a year, and generally they’ll do a bit of shopping while they wait.”
With increased competition in the online-only sector, today’s pet retailer needs to stand out from the crowd and drive customers to the store. The panel keyed in on how live animals allow you to:
- Stay competitive: Carrying exotics differentiates your store and provides shoppers a reason to buy in store and not online.
- Get likes on your social media: Posts with adorable pet photos and great tips boost online followings, enticing potential customers to visit the store.
- Cater to bird, fish, reptile and small-animal enthusiasts: Be the go-to place for these unique pets, their care info, and specialized products and services.
Creech steps up her Adventure Pets social media with live animal pics, although she doesn’t advertise them with prices or specials. “I post a lot of the pictures we take of them, whether fish, bunnies, etc. The pictures are always very popular.”
Lewis differentiates his store from e-commerce and big-box retailers by exclusively selling to pet bird enthusiasts. People travel hours to shop there, knowing the high-quality birds and bird products he carries. “Some order over the phone, and we ship daily. Other people have family who live in the area and stop by every time they are in town.”

Live animals provide an in-store experience that not only leaves an impression but induces shoppers to stay and keep returning. Creech says it’s not the sale of the animals that’s significant, but the repeat business of the customers returning for food, treats, enrichment toys and more. She says, “We are looking to extend the time our customers spend with us.”
The session further expanded upon the live-animal advantage, giving valuable tips on how exotics:
- Differentiate your store from an online-shopping site: Having live pets gives brick-and-mortar stores the upper hand over online pet retailers, as shopping becomes a fun activity not a chore.
- Build emotional connections with shoppers: Seeing exotics in their best setups with the right products positively influences purchasing decisions.
- Enhance your clientele’s shopping experience: Interacting with animals boosts endorphins, making shopping a longer and more enjoyable experience.
Lewis says having live animals in your store will always draw people — like it’s a free zoo.
Moore sums it up. “Many consumers enjoy going to a store that has more than just products. Live animals make your store a destination. It’s so easy to buy products online nowadays that retailers need a way to differentiate themselves and stand out.”