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The museum, IMAX and Pictureville are temporarily closed. Find out about our major transformation.

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Make new friends, work with an amazing collection and gain new skills. Come volunteer with us and you’ll help make a real difference.

The skills, knowledge and passion of our volunteers make our museum special. With exciting roles across the museum, our volunteers have an opportunity to make a positive impact on our visitors and enhance our understanding of the collection.

Latest vacancies

Even though our museum is closed, we are still recruiting volunteers at certain times.

There are no volunteering opportunities open at the moment. We only promote volunteering opportunities when our teams have the capacity to welcome new volunteers. Keep an eye on this page for updates or contact us to join our mailing list and be the first to hear.

Open for All is one of Science Museum Group’s five core values and sets out our important aspiration to be a place for everyone. We are working hard to understand our organisation better and to foster a culture that recognises and values different backgrounds, mindsets, skills, experience, knowledge, and expertise. By having greater diversity, we believe that we will be a stronger and better organisation and ultimately will be able to inspire more futures. We therefore welcome applications from all backgrounds.

Contact us

For more information on volunteering at the National Science and Media Museum or to join our mailing list, email us at