Yes, there are dogs involved.
Move worth noting for impact on retailers seeking to expand.
Plus 6 more innovative ideas from business thought leaders in our Jan-Feb Tip Sheet section.
Amanda Ballweg's creativity and entrepreneurial spirit has helped her grow and evolved her small business.
Red paper hearts, kissing booths and even Jack Skellington adorn independent pet businesses for the holiday.
Plus more industry thoughts and love for PETS+ in our Jan-Feb Inbox.
The company issued the recall of 5,700 lbs. of the food on Jan. 31.
Low vacancy rates, lower-quality available spaces in North America limit retailers’ choices.
Shoppers expected to shell out $27.5 billion, NRF predicts.
One retailer shares how a lack of communication between pet parents makes her job difficult.
Focus on loyalty programs, digital commerce and omnichannel: Deloitte.
Indies share what they sell most, how they merchandise it and what they want and need in this continually growing product category.
Many plan headcount increases and continued AI rollout.
The PETS+ team shares what to expect this year from your favorite pet-industry magazine, and how to not miss out.
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