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COVID-19 Webinars

WEBINARS: Managing your pet business through the coronavirus




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Past COVID-19 Webinars

Thursday, Apr 30, 2020 2 PM EDT

COVID-19: How to Stay Positive During a Pandemic!

Let’s be honest: We are all struggling to stay positive in this new COVID-19 world. Even the panelists of this webinar have their moments, but they are just that: moments. The rest of their days and nights are filled with joy that they find for themselves and create for others.

Join panelists Nancy, Ed, Trace and Beth, plus moderator Pam, for an hour of laughter, insight and practical advice. Among the many topics covered will be:

  • Bouncy balls
  • Choosing adaptability
  • Oprah and Deepak Chopra
  • Expansion and restructuring
  • Customer drive-bys
  • Working less
  • Puppets!
  • Turning off the news
  • Adult beverages and other recreational treats

Pamela Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief, PETS+


Nancy Guinn, Owner of Dog Krazy

Ed Kaczmarek, Owner of Urban Pooch

Trace Menchaca, Owner of Flying M Pet Grocery

Beth Staley, Owner of Happy Dog Barkery

Catch the webinar replay here.


Wednesday, 4/29/20, 2 PM EDT

COVID-19: Using Video Chat to Train Dogs and Stay Connected to Clients

Many pet parents do not feel comfortable attending group classes right now, even where social distancing can be maintained, nor do they want to meet one-on-one in person. Trainers have embraced video chat platforms such as Zoom to continue teaching and stay connected with their clients. Matt Bryant of The Texas Dogfather/Houston Dog Ranch, Dani Edgerton of A Place for Paws and Sue Hepner of Cool Dog Gear will share how they are doing exactly that. Pamela Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief of PETS+, will moderate.

Topics will include:

  • Offering virtual one-on-one sessions and group classes, including for puppies during their critical development periods
  • Leading virtual agility-style workout classes using DIY equipment
  • Choosing and using a video chat platform — or several
  • Conveying the value of continuing behavior training, relationship building and more
  • Reinventing your business to include video chat going forward as a supplement but not a replacement
  • Recognizing when in-person training is necessary and how to do it safely

Pamela Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief, PETS+


Matt Bryant, The Texas Dogfather & Houston Dog Ranch

Dani Edgerton, A Place for Paws

Sue Hepner, Cool Dog Gear

Catch the webinar replay here.


Wednesday, 4/22/20, 12 PM EDT

COVID-19: How to Get Your Grooming Salon Ready to Reopen

The majority of grooming salons and departments across the country have been declared nonessential businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The result: closures and client waiting lists that continue to grow. Tammy Siert, owner of Velvet Touch Grooming Salon and educator for Andis, and Keith Miller, owner of Bubbly Paws and host of PETS+ Behind the Pages Podcast, will share how they are preparing to reopen their salons, including rebooking hundreds of clients, and operating them in a COVID-19 world. Pamela Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief of PETS+, will moderate.

You will hear how they are:

  • Rebooking clients fairly while maximizing capacity and revenue
  • Upgrading their technology and improving systems to rebook and manage appointments more efficiently
  • Communicating with clients about their appointments and what they can do at home to keep their pets healthy
  • Developing ways to make their salons safer to prevent the spread of COVID-19 after reopening
  • Scheduling and taking care of their staff

This 60-minute webinar will help you prepare your business to be busier than ever before and to navigate the many complicated issues involved. There will be plenty of time for attendee questions as well.

Catch the webinar replay here.


Thursday, 4/9/20, 1 PM EDT

COVID-19: Tips for Getting Financial Assistance Through the CARES Act and Other Programs

Understanding and applying for financial assistance through the CARES Act and other programs is one of the biggest challenges small businesses face during the COVID-19 pandemic. Laurie Chen, CPA, MBA, helps pet businesses do exactly that as CEO of Global Dog and PetCFO, and will share her expertise. Chris Guinn, vice president of Dog Krazy stores in Virginia, will talk about his experiences applying for assistance, both loans and grants. Pamela Mitchell, editor-in-chief of PETS+, will moderate.

Talking points will include:

  • Financial assistance available now and in 30 days
  • Forgivable loan provisions and application tips
  • Disaster loan provisions and application tips
  • Key provisions of the CARES Act
  • Cash flow management and forecasting
Catch the webinar replay here.


Wednesday, 4/8/20, 1 PM EDT

COVID-19: Actionable Advice for Saving and Even Expanding Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business

Dog walkers and pet sitters are among the hardest hit pet professionals during this global pandemic. Brigid Wasson (Good Dogs Pet Sitting, First Street Pets) and Daniel Reitman (Dan’s Dog Walking and Pet Sitting) will share personal experiences as well as the actions you can take now to keep your business running and come out the other side stronger than ever.

You will learn how to:

  • Protect your business, clients and staff
  • Introduce new revenue opportunities
  • Maintain client relations while practicing social distancing
  • Ask and accept help from clients — turn one-way business transactions into symbiotic relationships
  • Take care of your physical, emotional and mental health
  • Use the slowdown to overhaul systems and prepare your business to come back strong

Moderated by Pamela Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief of PETS+.

Catch the webinar replay here.


COVID-19: 10 Creative Ways to Keep Customers Shopping
Thursday, April 2, 2020 – 5 p.m. EDT

After experiencing a surge in sales as pet parents stocked up on food and other supplies, many stores are now reporting a slowdown amid continued COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. Trace Menchaca, host of PETS+ Trace’s Store School and owner of Flying M Pet Grocery in Houston, TX, will join Pattie Zeller, host of What’s Barking Local and owner of Animal Connection in Charlottesville, VA, for an educational and entertaining hour+. Pamela Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief of PETS+, will moderate.

In this webinar, Trace and Pattie will share the creative ways they are keeping customers shopping, however they feel comfortable.

Examples will include:

  • Using Facetime and social media to offer everything from personal shopping to educational shows to adding on to food orders
  • Setting up a doggie diner drive-thru
  • Incorporating the Easter Bunny into curbside pickup and delivery
  • Giving back — and helping customers do the same — through pet food donations and other efforts

During this 75-minute webinar, Trace and Pattie will also answer questions and help you fine-tune any ideas you have.

Catch the webinar replay here.


COVID-19: How to Successfully Communicate with Customers, Staff and Even Yourself During the Pandemic
Wednesday, April 1, 2020 – 1:30 p.m. EDT

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on pet stores and service providers alike. Shawna Schuh, leadership coach and speaker, and president of Women in the Pet Industry, will join Nancy Guinn, founder and president of Dog Krazy stores in VA, for a discussion on the importance of strong and clear communications across multiple channels during this uncertain time. Pamela Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief of PETS+, will moderate.

Talking points will include:

  • Controlling your thinking, then your tone and words with customers
  • Responding to every single customer communication
  • Using the right tools to communicate where customers feel most comfortable, from social media to email blasts to text messages to old-fashioned phone calls
  • Keeping employees feeling positive and motivated, through words and actions
  • Replacing your own fear with focusing on what you can control
Catch the webinar replay here.



P.L.A.Y. Media Spotlight

At P.L.A.Y. — Pet Lifestyle & You — toy design is definitely a team effort! Watch PETS+ interviewer Chloe DiVita and P.L.A.Y.’s Director of Sales Lisa Hisamune as they talk about the toy design process, the fine-tuning that makes each toy so special and why every P.L.A.Y. collection is made with independent retailers top of mind.

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