Videos Archives - PETSPLUSMAG.COM News and advice for the American pet store and service business owner Thu, 07 Oct 2021 05:42:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Videos Archives - PETSPLUSMAG.COM 32 32 Video: How to Host a Titer Testing Clinic at Your Pet Business Thu, 07 Oct 2021 05:41:02 +0000 Learn how to offer this service from Samantha Youngblood of Youngblood's Animal Care Center & Massage. She offers clinics quarterly.

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SAMANTHA YOUNGBLOOD OFFERS vaccine titer testing clinics four times a year at her Youngblood’s Natural Animal Care Center & Massage in Wilkinson, IN. She began holding the clinics after her 2-year-old Boston Terrier, BZRK, developed mast cell tumors after over-vaccination caused a compromised immune system. Youngblood walks PETS+ readers through how to offer this service and takes questions from viewers.

In addition to a registered vet technician to draw the blood, you will need to have on hand to hold a clinic at your business:

  • Small table for small dogs and cats to sit/stand on
  • Large mat for large dogs to sit/stand on
  • Towels to wrap cats
  • Muzzles (if needed)
  • Peanut butter and tongue depressors or lickimat to distcrat pets
  • Alcohol
  • Cotton swabs
  • Bandage wrap
  • Vacutainer tubes — serum blood collection
  • Syringes – 5 to 6 cc
  • Needles 18 to 23 gauge, 1 inch
  • Labels for tubes
  • Centrifuge
  • Sharps container
  • Bubble wrap and box to ship tubes

Youngblood says that getting started should only cost around $300.

To read more about Youngblood and her inspiration for offering titer testing clinics, read the Wellness Warriors feature from our Nov-Dec 2020 issue.

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PETS+ Book Club: Watch Dr. Conor Brady Discuss “Feeding Dogs” Wed, 12 May 2021 15:11:46 +0000 Nicci Cammack of NorthPoint Pets & Company leads the discussion of this thorough examination of the canine nutrition debate.

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The PETS+ Book Club kicked off Tuesday with “Feeding Dogs,” by Dr. Conor Brady. With more than 500 pages and 1,200 references, it is the most thorough examination of the canine nutrition debate to date.

Nicci Cammack, owner of NorthPoint Pets & Company as well as Undogmatic Inc., an independent media and research agency, led the discussion with Dr. Brady about the book, which came out in December.

Watch the discussion:

To learn more about Dr. Conor Brady’s work, visit Cammack can be reached via

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Video: Trace’s Store School: How to Build Community — and Grow Revenue — with Other Businesses Mon, 07 Dec 2020 16:16:32 +0000 Look around you. There are partnerships just waiting to happen!

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WELCOME TO Trace’s Store School, hosted by Trace Menchaca of Flying M Pet Grocery in Houston, TX. In this session, she shows you how to partner with other businesses in your area — pet and non-pet — to build community and grow revenue.

This episode aired live on Dec. 5, 2020, in the PETS+ Community and PETS+ page on Facebook. New episodes air there every other Friday at 3 p.m. Eastern. Trace covers a wide variety of topics, including pet store operations, employee training, buying and merchandising. Each session offers downloadable supportive materials.

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Video: Trace’s Store School: Get Ready for Black Friday and Small-Business Saturday Fri, 13 Nov 2020 16:42:56 +0000 Compete with big-box stores and draw traffic during the biggest retail weekend of the year.

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WELCOME TO Trace’s Store School, hosted by Trace Menchaca of Flying M Pet Grocery in Houston, TX. In this session, she shows you how to compete with big-box stores and draw traffic during the biggest retail weekend of the year: Black Friday and Small-Business Saturday!

This episode aired live on Nov. 12, 2020, in the PETS+ Community and PETS+ page on Facebook. New episodes air there every other Friday at 3 p.m. Eastern. Trace covers a wide variety of topics, including pet store operations, employee training, buying and merchandising. Each session offers downloadable supportive materials.

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Video: Trace’s Store School Teaches You How to Start a Produce Co-Op for Pets Tue, 10 Nov 2020 05:03:03 +0000 Adding fresh veggies and fruit to customer bowls will boost their health!

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WELCOME TO Trace’s Store School, hosted by Trace Menchaca of Flying M Pet Grocery in Houston, TX. In this session, Trace teaches you the three ways to start a produce co-op for pets. This will help you add fresh veggies and fruit to customer bowls, boosting their health!

This episode aired live on Oct. 30, 2020, in the PETS+ Community and PETS+ page on Facebook. New episodes air there every other Friday at 3 p.m. Eastern. Trace covers a wide variety of topics, including pet store operations, employee training, buying and merchandising. Each session offers downloadable supportive materials.

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Video: Some Retailers Board Up Due to Election Unrest Fears Mon, 02 Nov 2020 05:04:35 +0000 Chains that have made preparations include Tiffany, Macy's, Target and CVS.

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Fearing possible unrest, many retail businesses across the U.S. have boarded up their storefronts for Election Day.

Major chains that have taken such steps in at least some locations include Tiffany, Macy’s, Target and CVS, CNN reports.

Tiffany spokesman Nathan Strauss said, “While we intend to remain open where possible, out of an abundance of caution the windows of select stores in key cities will be boarded in anticipation of potential election related activity.”

Some retailers are making other preparations as well, including increasing their lighting and hiring security guards, according to CNN.

In New York City, even the Empire State Building has been boarded up on its ground floors, CBS News reports.

Watch the video:

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Video: Trace’s Store School Covers Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Tue, 20 Oct 2020 15:39:08 +0000 Pandemic store hours have become permanent, with no loss of income.

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WELCOME TO Trace’s Store School, hosted by Trace Menchaca of Flying M Pet Grocery in Houston, TX. In this session, Trace talks about the lessons she has learned from COVID-19 and how they have factored into her store’s new normal. For example, her COVID-19 hours are not her regular business hours, with no loss of income but many benefits.

This episode aired live on Oct. 16, 2020, in the PETS+ Community and PETS+ page on Facebook. New episodes air there every other Friday at 3 p.m. Eastern. Trace covers a wide variety of topics, including pet store operations, employee training, buying and merchandising. Each session offers downloadable supportive materials.

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Video: Learn How to Do Holiday on a Budget at Trace’s Store School Sun, 04 Oct 2020 17:05:25 +0000 Turn regular products festive to sell them at full-price during the holidays and after.

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WELCOME TO Trace’s Store School, hosted by Trace Menchaca of Flying M Pet Grocery in Houston, TX. In this session, Trace shares how to make regular products festive, which allows you to sell any left over at full price in January, while still creating a holiday atmosphere in your store.

This episode aired live on Sept. 18, 2020, in the PETS+ Community and PETS+ page on Facebook. New episodes air there on Fridays at 3 p.m. Eastern. Trace covers a wide variety of topics, including pet store operations, employee training, buying and merchandising. Each session offers downloadable supportive materials.

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Video: Don’t Be Afraid to Run Multiple Pet-Business Marketing Promotions at Once Tue, 29 Sep 2020 04:04:27 +0000 Get creative with concurrent promotions.

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FOCUS IS A GOOD THING, but some pet-business owners overdo the concept when it comes to marketing.

Some business owners stick to doing only one promotion at a time. But that’s not always the best approach, says marketing expert Jim Ackerman.

In today’s video, Ackerman talks about how to get creative with concurrent promotions.

Take a look:

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Video: How to Spend Your Pet-Business Advertising Budget the Right Way Sun, 20 Sep 2020 04:04:27 +0000 It's best not to spend your money only on attracting new customers.

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HOW ARE YOU SPENDING your advertising budget?

There are only three ways to grow a business, says Jim Ackerman: get more customers, increase your average transaction, and/or get existing customers to visit more often.

Pet businesses tend to focus their ad spending on attracting new customers, Ackerman says. But it’s smart to spread the budget out a bit.

Watch the video:

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Video: Learn How to Prep for a Disaster at Trace’s Store School Mon, 07 Sep 2020 03:51:18 +0000 Trace Menchaca shares how she recently prepped her business for Hurricane Laura.

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WELCOME TO Trace’s Store School, hosted by Trace Menchaca of Flying M Pet Grocery in Houston, TX. In this session, Trace shares how she recently prepped for Hurricane Laura, which thankfully passed by the city without doing damage. Her team was ready, though, with an emergency plan and procedures in place. Trace will talk about how to protect your staff, your structure and your stuff, in that order for not only destructive weather but also for man-made damage caused by crime.

Download materials from this session: Trace’s Store School: Disaster Prep.

This episode aired live on Sept. 4, 2020, in the PETS+ Community and PETS+ page on Facebook. New episodes air there on Fridays at 3 p.m. Eastern. Trace covers a wide variety of topics, including pet store operations, employee training, buying and merchandising. Each session offers downloadable supportive materials.

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Video: Dogs Sniff Out COVID-19 After a Week of Training Sat, 25 Jul 2020 04:04:17 +0000 The study involved 8 canines from the German military.

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A group of researchers taught dogs to reliably sniff our COVID-19 — and it only took a week.

The study involved “eight specialised sniffer dogs” from the German military checking samples for the coronavirus. They were able to distinguish between samples from infected and non-infected individuals with an average sensitivity of 83 percent and a specificity of 96 percent.

This was after only a week of training.

The research was conducted by a team from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover in cooperation with the Bundeswehr, the Hannover Medical School and the University Medical-Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf.

“This method could be employed in public areas such as airports, sport events, borders or other mass gatherings as an addition to laboratory testing, helping to prevent further spreading of the virus or outbreaks,” the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover stated.

The study was published in the journal BMC Infectious Diseases.

Watch the video:

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Video: Use Promotions and Campaigns to Grow Your Pet Business Sun, 19 Jul 2020 04:19:59 +0000 They're both important, but they're not the same thing.

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PROMOTIONS AND CAMPAIGNS can both play an important role in growing your pet business. But they aren’t the same thing.

In today’s video, marketing expert Jim Ackerman explains the differences and how you might use each.

Take a look:


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Video: Why You Should Spend More Time ‘On the Business’ Instead of ‘In the Business’ Wed, 08 Jul 2020 04:03:51 +0000 Embrace the roles of chief visionary officer and chief marketing officer.

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TO GROW YOUR PET business, it’s crucial to spend some time on two roles: chief visionary officer and chief marketing officer.

That means spending less time “in the business” and more time “on the business,” says Jim Ackerman. It involves delegating some of your other tasks and putting energy into getting more people to come through your door.

Watch the video:

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Video: Golden Retriever May Be the ‘Oldest Ever’ Sat, 27 Jun 2020 04:04:22 +0000 She was adopted at age 14.

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The owners of a 20-year-old golden retriever named Augie believe she’s the oldest dog of her breed.

Jennifer and Steve Hetterscheidt celebrated Augie’s birthday on April 24 at home in Oakland, TN, CNN reported.

The Hetterscheidts adopted Augie when the dog was 14.

The GoldHeart Golden Retrievers Rescue in Maryland wrote on Facebook that the dog is the “oldest known, oldest living” golden retriever.

“There’s nothing to not love about her,” said Jennifer Hetterscheidt. “She’s happy doing something and happy doing nothing.”

Watch the video:

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Video: West Paw Announces It Will Sell Certain Products at Petco Tue, 16 Jun 2020 16:24:50 +0000 We spoke to CEO Spencer Williams about how this will affect independent pet retailers.

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West Paw announced today that it will begin selling certain products at Petco stores and online at We talked to CEO Spencer Williams about the thinking behind this decision and how it will affect independent pet retailers that carry West Paw products. He also shared changes the company has made for this rollout based on indie feedback after the store went into Target.

The following products will be available at Petco stores starting in mid-July:

  • All shapes, sizes and colors of Zogoflex Dog Toys except Rumpus — Hurley, Zisc, Glo Zisc, Jive, Tizzi, Bumi, Tux, Qwizl, Toppl
  • All colors of Zogoflex Echo — Skamp, Zwig
  • Two Creamy Dog Treat flavors — Peanut Butter and Blueberry, Sweet Potato and Beef Bone Broth

The following products will be available at starting in mid-June:

  • All of the above
  • Three Rowdies with HardyTex and Zogoflex — Jefferson, Custer, Fergus
  • All Outings collars and leashes
  • All Strolls collars and leashes
  • All sizes and colors of Zogoflex Air — Wox, Dash, Boz

West Paw also announced a July promotion with Astro Loyalty: $1 off Treats and $2 off Zogoflex — limit four per customer. It will run July 1-31, primarily during the company’s next MAP holiday, and both Astro and West Paw will provide marketing support.

In response to a question about pricing, the company said, “The West Paw Advertising/MAP Policy is the same for all retailers. We consistently and uniformly enforce our policy. West Paw is committed to providing all customers with fair prices and the support they need to be successful.”

Visit for more information about the company and its products.

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Video: Tennessee Firefighters Rescue Pet Macaw from Tree Tue, 09 Jun 2020 04:04:53 +0000 They'd never had a call quite like this before.

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Firefighters in Morristown, TN, were recently called to rescue a macaw from a tree, and although they weren’t quite sure how to go about the task, they were determined to help if they could.

Neighbor Sylvia Tharp told WBIR she heard sounds from a tree and soon realized they were coming from Harley, the 15-year-old macaw that lives next door.

“I heard, ‘Mom! Mom! Mom!’ and I thought it was a kid at first,” Tharp said. “Then, Harley started squawking like a scream, and I knew it was much closer than normal.”

Firefighters arrived and extended a ladder. One tried to coax the bird onto his arm.

In the end, they shook the branch slightly and the reluctant macaw flew down.

Harley is now safe at home.

Watch the news video:

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Video: Service Dog Makes Adorable Surprise Appearance in Yearbook Thu, 21 May 2020 04:04:44 +0000 'It’s very heartwarming and touching, that you see this inclusiveness ...'

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An earnest and hardworking Labradoodle named Ariel surprised her family by appearing in the St. Patrick Catholic School yearbook.

Ariel is a service dog for Hadley Jo, a student at the school in Louisville, KY, WHAS-TV reports. Hadley Jo has epilepsy, which sometimes causes her to have seizures, and Ariel accompanies her to school each day.

Hadley Jo’s mother, Heather Lange, said she was thrilled to see Ariel’s photograph next to her daughter’s in the yearbook.

“That was pretty unique and pretty special to pick up our yearbook and see our service dog featured with our daughter,” she said, according to WHAS. “It’s very heartwarming and touching, that you see this inclusiveness where not everybody looks the same.”

Watch the video:

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Video: Applications Open for 2nd Round of Paycheck Protection Program Mon, 27 Apr 2020 04:03:20 +0000 An additional $310B is available for small businesses.

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Businesses began applying on April 27 for the second round of loans from the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program.

The original round, worth $349 billion, ran out in less than two week. President Donald Trump signed a bill authorizing an additional $310 billion for the program.

The stimulus loans are designed to provide an economic lifeline for small businesses during the COVID-19 crisis. They’re meant to cover up to 10 weeks of payroll expenses, up to a maximum of $10 million.

Inc. notes that the loans “can be converted into forgivable grants so long as the company doesn’t lay off employees.”

More details of the program are available here.

The new round is expected to go quickly, just like the first. So if you plan to apply, experts advise doing so right away.

Congress is now discussing a possible third round.

Watch a Today video about the second round of funding:

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Video: ‘Start the Smart’ with These Pet-Business Growth Tips Mon, 20 Apr 2020 04:02:11 +0000 It's time to form new patterns in order to not only survive, but thrive.

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IN THE LAST EPISODE of “Animal Ads,” Jim Ackerman explained that you have to “stop the stupid” — that is, break old habits — if you want to grow your pet business.

In this episode, he takes the concept a step further, describing how you also need to “start the smart.” In other words, it’s time to form new patterns in order to not only survive, but thrive.

Take a look:

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