SAMANTHA YOUNGBLOOD OFFERS vaccine titer testing clinics four times a year at her Youngblood’s Natural Animal Care Center & Massage in Wilkinson, IN. She began holding the clinics after her 2-year-old Boston Terrier, BZRK, developed mast cell tumors after over-vaccination caused a compromised immune system. Youngblood walks PETS+ readers through how to offer this service and takes questions from viewers.
In addition to a registered vet technician to draw the blood, you will need to have on hand to hold a clinic at your business:
- Small table for small dogs and cats to sit/stand on
- Large mat for large dogs to sit/stand on
- Towels to wrap cats
- Muzzles (if needed)
- Peanut butter and tongue depressors or lickimat to distcrat pets
- Alcohol
- Cotton swabs
- Bandage wrap
- Vacutainer tubes — serum blood collection
- Syringes – 5 to 6 cc
- Needles 18 to 23 gauge, 1 inch
- Labels for tubes
- Centrifuge
- Sharps container
- Bubble wrap and box to ship tubes

Youngblood says that getting started should only cost around $300.
To read more about Youngblood and her inspiration for offering titer testing clinics, read the Wellness Warriors feature from our Nov-Dec 2020 issue.