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Pet Sustainability Coalition Fact Sheet

Boulder, CO




E: / W:

IN THEIR OWN WORDS: The Pet Sustainability Accreditation is the only pet industry specific standard when it comes to sustainability achievement. It is designed to recognize and elevate those companies that have concrete sustainability measures built into their DNA. All participating companies complete a comprehensive assessment, meet minimum performance requirements, and undergo a rigorous third party verification to earn their accreditation badge. Companies are evaluated on social and environmental impact and are required to continually measure and demonstrate biannual improvement to retain their Accredited status.

While PSC invites all Pet Industry businesses into the organization regardless of where they are in their sustainability journey, PSC Accreditation exists just for those companies who go above and beyond with their sustainability performance. PSC Accredited companies demonstrate true leadership in the pet industry while meeting consumer demand for actionable and transparent business practices that drive positive impact for pets, people and the planet.

They complete rigorous third party verification of sustainable business practices:

  • PSC partners with an external consultant to provide independent, third-party verification and oversight of accreditation submissions that enhances the objectivity and integrity of
    its accreditation process.

They are measured within a globally recognized assessment:

  • In alignment with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. PSC uses B Lab’s SDG Action Manager benchmarking tool as the basis of its accreditation program. Alignment with these goals ensures that companies are working towards outcomes that are universally recognized as optimal and can be tracked and measured for desired impact.

WHAT THEY’RE KNOWN FOR: The PSC envisions a thriving and collaborative pet industry that creates positive impact for the communities and environments where we do business through profitable and environmental social practices.

PSC MEMBER REVIEW: “Norpel became Accredited to solidify our dedication to the health of our pets, and the future of our planet. PSC has guided us every step of the way on making continual improvements such as carbon emission tracking. We are proud to participate in a program that not only shares our beliefs but takes action to verify and advance global sustainability objectives.” — Kyle DeNorscia, Supply Chain Coordinator, Northern Pelagic Group, New Bedford, MA.

Download the Fact Sheet here.


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