Pet Quiz Archives - PETSPLUSMAG.COM News and advice for the American pet store and service business owner Mon, 05 Aug 2019 12:10:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pet Quiz Archives - PETSPLUSMAG.COM 32 32 Take Our Quiz to Identify the Animal Stars of Some Christmas Cinema Classics Tue, 04 Dec 2018 10:05:08 +0000 Beware of spoilers.

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In NATIONAL LAMPOON’S CHRISTMAS VACATION, Clark Griswold’s “best Christmas ever” goes up against — among other disasters — his cousin Eddie’s Rottweiler. The dog drinks the water from the Christmas tree, which subsequently catches fire, and causes mayhem while chasing a squirrel. Only Cousin Eddie could have come up with such a name for a Rottie. What was it?


Ever notice when watching IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE that Uncle Billy’s pet raven is always there when George receives the worst news or is at his lowest point? What was the raven’s name?


True fans of THE SIMPSONS can look back to the animated series’ first episode in 1989 — a Christmas special — to learn the origin story of the family’s dog, Santa’s Little Helper. Doing so reveals what breed he is. Can you name the breed without digging out your VHS tapes? (Or … ahem … without looking at the photo above …)


While the neighbors’ dogs in A CHRISTMAS STORY went unnamed (OK, so the father had some choice names for them), their actions — specifically eating the Christmas turkey — resulted in the Parker family’s unforgettable goose dinner in a Chinese restaurant. Who were the neighbors who owned the dogs?


No one can forget Cindy Lou Who, just as no one can forget the Grinch’s trusty companion in HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS, but can anyone recall the pup’s name?

Answers: 1. Snot | 2. Jimmy. The animal actor who played him appeared in more than 1,000 feature films from the 1930s to the 1950s. | 3. Greyhound. Homer tries betting his earnings at the track to make money for Christmas presents. Instead of placing his bet on the sure money-winner, he takes Santa’s Little Helper’s name as a sign. SLH finishes dead last, is booted out in the cold by his owner, and Homer and Bart recognize him for the Simpson he turns out to be.| 4. The Bumpus family | 5. Max

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Identify These Royal Pets Throughout the Ages Sun, 20 May 2018 06:30:56 +0000 See what you know about the pets of kings, queens, princes and princesses.

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UPON LEARNING of the passing of Queen Elizabeth’s last Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Willow, in April, it got us thinking about other royal pets. That is, pets OF ROYALTY, not pets that are treated like royalty, which, we’d venture to guess, is any pet within sight of a copy of PETS+. See what you know about the pets of kings, queens, princes and princesses.


Some of Queen Victoria’s favorite pets were captured in a painting: Dash, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Lory, a parrot, Nero, a Greyhound and Hector, a Deerhound. Who was the artist? (Hint, his name is synonymous with pet paintings.)


The man who gave the last mistress of Louis XV a parrot — which was famous for swearing and making ribald remarks — was presented with a knighthood for his gift. Who was the mistress?


Known as the royal dog of this country, this breed is one of the oldest living breeds with carvings appearing in Sumerian tombs as far back at 7,000 years ago. What’s the breed?


This breed of dog reportedly saved the life of William, Prince of Orange (Holland) from an assassination attempt in 1572. What’s the breed?


According to Wikileaks cables, the dog of the prince who would become king of this country held the rank of Air Chief Marshal. What’s the country?

Answers: 1. Sir Edwin Landseer; 2. Madame du Barry; 3. Saluki; 4. Thailand; 5. Pug;

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Brush Up On Your Presidential Pets in Our Quiz Mon, 15 Jan 2018 06:33:42 +0000 Hail to the First Canines.

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AN ITEM on the current petless White House in last month’s Know It All section and it being the month of Presidents Day (Feb. 19) inspired us to come up with this quiz on presidents and their pets. While we all know Richard Nixon’s cocker spaniel Checkers from his speech, and we may recall Socks (Bill Clinton’s cat), Millie (George W. Bush’s springer spaniel who authored a book), and Bo and Sunny (Barack Obama’s Portuguese water dogs), we’ve bet you never knew about Mr. Reciprocity, Him or the very first Siamese cat in the U.S. (And if you’re wondering, Theodore Roosevelt had more pets than any other president.) Draw a line between the president and the type of pet, and for bonus points, to the name of that pet.


ANSWERS: …George Washington, greyhound, Cornwallis | Thomas Jefferson, mockingbird, Dick | Andrew Jackson, parrot, Polly | Abraham Lincoln, turkey, Jack | Rutherford B. Hayes, Siamese cat, Siam | Benjamin Harrison, opossum, Mr. Reciprocity | Theodore Roosevelt, rat, Jonathan | Calvin Coolidge, raccoon, Rebecca | John F. Kennedy, canary, Robin | Lyndon B. Johnson, beagle, Him. 

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5 Famous Riddles that Involve Pets Fri, 10 Nov 2017 09:46:35 +0000   1. In The Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter is tasked with cracking this puzzle during the Triwizard Tournament: First think of the person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.Next, tell me what’s always the last thing to mend, The middle of middle and end of the end?And […]

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1. In The Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter is tasked with cracking this puzzle during the Triwizard Tournament:

First think of the person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.
Next, tell me what’s always the last thing to mend, The middle of middle and end of the end?
And finally give me the sound often heard during the search for a hard-to-find word.
Now string them together, and answer me this, Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?

2. In Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the Mad Hatter poses this puzzle to Alice:

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

3. In James Joyce’s Ulysses, Stephen Dedalus poses a riddle to his pupils:

The cock crew,

The sky was blue: 

The bells in heaven

Were striking eleven.

’Tis time for this poor soul

To go to heaven.

4. An 18th century English riddle may ring more readable than Joyce:

As I was going to St. Ives,

I met a man with seven wives,

Each wife had seven sacks,

Each sack had seven cats,

Each cat had seven kits:

Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,

How many were there going to St. Ives?

5. In J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, Gollum earned his freedom in riddle competitions. Here’s one we liked:

There are 30 white horses on a red hill: First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.  What are they?


How’d you do? If you’re in the mood for a real whopper of a pet riddle, check out Einstein’s Riddle as a special online bonus — and, OK, the answer is nothing you’d want on a pet, but this one stumped Homer (just Homer, not Simpson, although it would probably elicit a “D’oh!” from him as well):


ANSWERS … 1. A spider. | 2. There isn’t one. But readers wanted an answer so much, Carroll later posed one: “Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is never put with the wrong end in front! This, however, is merely an afterthought; the Riddle, as originally invented, had no answer at all.” (We liked it better without the answer.) | 3. “The fox burying his grandmother under a hollybush.” Don’t get it neither do we and that was Joyces point its a riddle about riddles thats Joyce for you but the answer has a fox and his late grandmother in it and somebody must have had a pet fox yes yes and yes. | 4. One. Classic trickery. | 5. Teeth.

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This Month’s Quiz: Rethinking a Few Popular Animal Similes Mon, 28 Aug 2017 11:03:00 +0000 This month in the quiz, we’re reconsidering widely used similes. All your life you’ve heard people using phrases like “free as a bird,” “quiet as a mouse” or “hairy as a gorilla.” But are these similes accurate? Is the bird really the free-est animal? Are gorillas really the hairiest? We did some Internet research to […]

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This month in the quiz, we’re reconsidering widely used similes. All your life you’ve heard people using phrases like “free as a bird,” “quiet as a mouse” or “hairy as a gorilla.” But are these similes accurate? Is the bird really the free-est animal? Are gorillas really the hairiest? We did some Internet research to find better, more colorful candidates for various popular phrases. Read, remember, and use!


Horses. They’re picky, discriminate eaters compared to the following high-energy consumers. Pick the biggest eater by body-weight percentage.

A. American pygmy shrew 

B. Pandas 

C. Blue whales


Turtles and snails? Those guys are speed demons compared to one of the animals below. Or are they?

A. Manatee 

B. Three-toed sloth 

C. Starfish


Owls certainly look wise, with their magisterial plumage and dignified carriage. But one of these three is a smarter animal.

A. Bottlenose dolphin 

B. African gray parrot

C. Chimpanzee


Bats have very poor visual acuity. But are they absolutely blind? No. However, one of these animals is.

A. European cave salamander 

B. Colossal squid 

C. Ogre-faced spider


Oxen certainly are powerful animals, able to carry more than 1,500 pounds. But the epitome of strength? That would have to be one of the following animals, at least in terms of strength proportionate to size.

A. Leafcutter ant
B. African bush elephant
C. Dung beetle


Answers … 1. A. American pygmy shrew. It eats three times its body weight per day. In fact, it can’t even sleep for more than a few minutes at a time, or else it would starve. |  2. B. Three-toed sloths won’t move farther than 100 feet in a day. They move so slowly that algae reportedly grows on their fur.  |  3. C. Sharing 98 percent of genetic DNA with humans, a chimpanzee can use a computer to solve a numerical equation. No anecdotes exist of any owls firing up Windows to do math problems.  |  4. A. The Gollum-like European cave salamander, or olm, can also live up to 100 years.  |  5. C. Dung beetle. Males can lift objects more than 1,000 times their own body weight.



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Match These Famous Literary Dogs and Cats With Their Sources Fri, 16 Jun 2017 09:46:49 +0000 While cats rule the web, dogs rule literature. We’re not sure why, but readers were cheering heroic canines as far back as the second oldest piece of literature known to exist — Homer’s Odyssey. Of course, cats have also appeared in their share of books, but usually in less central and less heroic roles. For […]

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While cats rule the web, dogs rule literature. We’re not sure why, but readers were cheering heroic canines as far back as the second oldest piece of literature known to exist — Homer’s Odyssey. Of course, cats have also appeared in their share of books, but usually in less central and less heroic roles. For this issue’s quiz, your challenge is to match the dog or cat name to the book in which they were featured. (We’re so nice, we’ll even give you a free one to get you started.)

ANSWERS … Argos: The Odyssey (Argos was the dog of Odysseus, and the only one to recognize him when he returns home after 20 years.)  /   Snowy:  The Adventures of Tintin (Tintin’s dog)  /   Buck: The Call of the Wild (Buck is the book’s main character)  /   Ghost: A Song of Ice and Fire, (Jon Snow’s direwolf)  /   Jip: David Copperfield (Dora Spenlow’s lapdog)  /   Charley: Travels with Charley (John Steinbeck’s travel companion)  /   Cat: Breakfast at Tiffany’s (the casually named pet of Holly Golightly)  /   Church: Pet Sematary (Church still gives us the shivers)  /   Mrs. Norris: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets  /   Macavity: Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (one of the most villainous cats in T.S. Eliot’s book, which was also the basis of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Cats)



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Which of These Strange Pet Facts Is True? Mon, 10 Apr 2017 03:36:18 +0000 There’s a lot of strange pet trivia out there. (For example, did you know there’s a cat that has been mayor of a small Alaska town for the last 15 years?) This month in Pets+, we present you with 15 mind-bending pet facts. Some are true, some are false, and your challenge is to figure […]

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Fish in lipstick

There’s a lot of strange pet trivia out there. (For example, did you know there’s a cat that has been mayor of a small Alaska town for the last 15 years?) This month in Pets+, we present you with 15 mind-bending pet facts. Some are true, some are false, and your challenge is to figure out which.


___ 1. Three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic.

___ 2. Dogs have about 1,700 taste buds. Humans have approximately 9,000 and cats have around 473.

___ 3. At the end of the Beatles song, “A Day in the Life,” Paul McCartney recorded an ultrasonic whistle, audible only to dogs, just for his Shetland sheepdog.

___ 4. Your dog’s sense of smell can be up to 10 million times better than yours.

___ 5. Your dog’s sense of smell is so good, he can even smell your feelings.

Usain Bolt races against a housecat

Usain Bolt versus your housecat: who would win?


___ 6. It’s not by much, but the average house cat is slower than the world’s fastest man, Usain Bolt.

___ 7. Cats have a third eyelid that is rarely visible. If you can see it, it is often an indication of sickness.

___ 8. A group of cats is called a “clowder”.

___ 9. Owning a cat can reduce a human’s risk of stroke and heart attack by a third.

___ 10. Female cats are typically left-pawed while male cats are typically right-pawed.


___ 11. Many popular lipstick brands include a surprising ingredient — fish scales.

___ 12. The longest a fish can live out of water is 24 hours — give or take two hours.

___ 13. Herrings have one of the least polite modes of communication: farts.

___ 14. One puffer fish contains enough poison to kill 5 people.

___ 15. Fish can drown in water.


1. T. It was two Pomeranians and one Pekingese, if you’re interested.  |  2. T.  |  3. F. This is actually more of a “maybe” than a “false.” There’s definitely some high-pitched sound on the record, which was easier to hear on CDs than on vinyl records. But Paul McCartney has never definitively confirmed this.  | 4. T.  |   5. T. Dogs can pick up on subtle changes in your scent, which help him sense your emotions — i.e. perspiration when you’re feeling uneasy.


6. F. The average house cat actually has a higher maximum speed (30 mph) than the world’s fastest man (27 mph).   |   7. T.  |  8. T.  |   9. T.  |   10. F. It’s the opposite. Female cats are typically right-pawed; male cats, left-pawed.


11. T. Check your lipstick brand ingredients for guanine, a crystalline substance derived from fish scales.  |   12. F. The lungfish, found in Africa, South America and Australia, can live out of water for several years. These fish can also live up to 65 years.  |  13. T.  |  14. T.Actually, it’s way, way more — 30 people. Lesson: stay far away from pufferfish.  |  15. T. If there’s not enough oxygen in the water.



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Match the Cat Quote With the Famous Person Fri, 17 Feb 2017 09:23:56 +0000 These artists and thinkers incline feline.

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Like Democrat versus Republican, Mac versus PC and Lennon versus McCartney, cats versus dogs is one of those subjects where opinions are split so passionately that you could almost never imagine yourself being friends with someone on the other side of the divide. While dog owners point to the loyalty and passionate (if sloppy) love of their beloved canines, cat owners prefer felines for their calm, grace and perpetual sangfroid. The artists and thinkers below incline feline, as you can see from their quotes about cats. Your challenge is to match the quote with the artist: 

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Identify the Furriest Stars of Stage and Screen Fri, 20 Jan 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Hollywood has long loved its animal actors. And audiences love them right back. In fact, some of the adorable creatures pictured on this page may have even inspired your involvement in the pet business to begin with. For our debut issue quiz, let’s see how well you know your celebrity animals. Give us the animal’s […]

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Hollywood has long loved its animal actors. And audiences love them right back. In fact, some of the adorable creatures pictured on this page may have even inspired your involvement in the pet business to begin with. For our debut issue quiz, let’s see how well you know your celebrity animals. Give us the animal’s name, the TV show or movie it appeared in, and the specific breed.

Too easy? Then, for extra credit, give us the real-life name of the animal actor known for playing the part. Bet you didn’t see that one coming!

Grade yourself at the bottom of the page. Who will win bragging rights in your store?


1. Eddie Crane, “Frasier”, Parson Russell Terrier, Extra credit: Moose | 2. Crookshanks, “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban”, “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” and “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, Red Persian, Extra credit: Pumpkin | 3. Petey, “Little Rascals” (original series), American Staffordshire Terrier, Extra credit: Pete the Dog (or Pal). | 4. Toto, “Wizard of Oz”, Cairn Terrier, Extra credit: Terry | 5. Mr. Bigglesworth, “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery”, “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me” and “Austin Powers in Goldmember,” Sphynx Extra credit: Ted NudeGent | 6. Hooch, “Turner and Hooch”, Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff), Extra credit: Beasley the Dog | 7. Hachiko, “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale”, Akita Inu, Extra credit: multiple dogs | 8. Frank the Pug, “Men in Black” and “Men in Black II”, Pug, Extra credit: Mushu

This article originally appeared in the Jan-Feb 2017 edition of PETS+.

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