Had a fellow purchase two ferrets, both neutered and descented (a male and a female). An hour or so later he called and wanted to know...
A customer walks in who is clearly under the influence of drugs with a puppy in her hands. She comes to the front counter and asks...
A lady came in last week and asked if we have combs and brushes … not for a dog, for her! — Ron Keller, Captivating Canines, Westerville,...
I was showing a potential client the kennel, and she wanted to tour the 25 acres of dog walking paths with her fuzzy white dog. It...
We had a customer say “If I was able to breast feed my dog, I would” … and another customer said, “Make my dog smell like...
This baby shower was a major production.
Despite appearances, she was a good little hunter.
He really hated hair.