True Tales Archives - PETSPLUSMAG.COM News and advice for the American pet store and service business owner Fri, 28 Feb 2025 03:14:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 True Tales Archives - PETSPLUSMAG.COM 32 32 How One Pet Store Helps Keep Drugs Off the Streets Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:26:49 +0000 Yes, there are dogs involved.

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Last fall we helped our local police department raise money to launch a K9 unit. We sold T-shirts and dog toys, held raffles, and we coordinated multiple fundraisers at several businesses downtown. The department was able to get two narcotics-trained dogs and training for their handlers. They just hit the streets and have already made a huge impact, not only in getting drugs off our streets, but in keeping our officers safe — when you have a K9 officer, there is more compliance! — Shari Wilkins, Lake Dog and Their People, Eufaula, OK

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True Tales: Someone Tried to Steal Our Store Cat Thu, 07 Nov 2024 03:30:46 +0000 He's super cute, we get it, but no.

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When our store cat Sheldon was a cute scrappy kitten, a woman put him in her coat and tried to steal him. One of my staff stopped her and asked what she was doing, and she said she thought he needed some fresh air. Please don’t steal our store cat. — Melisa Wynn, Paws & Fins Pet Shop, Bainbridge Island, WA

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How My Staff Blew Me Away With Kindness Wed, 02 Oct 2024 23:37:08 +0000 This pet store owner got through a hard time with support from his staff.

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I lost my older brother unexpectedly. My staff put in all the extra energy needed so I was very comfortable taking time out and away from the store. A bit later they bought, planted a tree and put up a plaque with a nice inscription to remember my brother. Blew me away. Great crew they are. — Paul Lewis, Birds Unlimited, Webster, NY

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Retailer Loses Store Mascot at SUPERZOO Thu, 01 Aug 2024 04:00:51 +0000 She couldn't believe where she found him!

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Last year, we decided to bring our mascot costume, Reeses the Dog, with us for social media posts. My husband was in the costume, and we somehow lost him (how do you lose a man in a dog costume?). As we were looking for him, we saw a large crowd gathering up ahead. We went to see what all the excitement was about and found Reeses behind the DJ set-up with headphones on, dancing and grooving to the music with the DJ. Note: My husband cannot dance, but apparently Reeses can! — Diedra Giles, Reeses Barkery and Pawtique, McHenry, IL

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True Tale: My Cat Told My Psychic That He Wanted to Try These Foods Fri, 14 Jun 2024 03:10:23 +0000 The retailer involved shares how he handled this unusual request.

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A customer came into the shop years ago with a very specific list of foods that her cat had told her psychic that he’d like to try. As I went through the list of about 10 foods, we carried a number of them but not all, I treated her with respect and all seriousness. I shared with her some new foods that we’d just brought in that her cat might not be aware of yet and that she should talk with him about. It was sometimes challenging to keep a straight face, but I kept it pretty serious and we were able to find some options for her cat. — Jeff Jensen, Four Muddy Paws, St. Louis, MO

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We’re a Bit Envious of This Retailer Who Gets to Help Raise Bobcat Kittens Fri, 12 Apr 2024 00:10:08 +0000 She shares her role in making sure the litter survives after a poacher kills their mother.

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We’re helping to “raise” a litter of Bobcat kittens whose mother was killed by a poacher on a local ranch. The rancher has taken in the kittens and feeds them goat milk and raw food to help them until they can be released to a sanctuary. (They have all the required paperwork/approvals from the government to do this, as they’ve done this before with different wildlife species.) They always bring pictures/videos in for us to see, and it’s so much fun watching them grow up! — Diana Farrar, Fifi & Fidos Pet Boutique, San Antonio, TX

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Employee Gives Ridiculous Excuse for Being Late Tue, 13 Feb 2024 03:45:08 +0000 She blamed the store owner!

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A former employee was constantly late. She told me that it was my fault because I scheduled her on the opening shift and knew she had a hard time waking up. We don’t open until 10 a.m. — Crisi Fetters, Local Pet, Victoria, TX

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How Lucky Was This Lost Dog Found on a Rural Road? Tue, 19 Dec 2023 04:00:38 +0000 What are the odds his finder would turn out to be someone who knew him from day care?!

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A staff member picked up a loose dog in the middle of a rural road. She knew the dog looked familiar, but couldn’t place him. She took him to the local SPCA, where he was scanned for a microchip. Turns out, he was a dog who frequently comes to day care! The owners had not updated their contact information with the microchip company, but we fortunately did have updated information and were able to get them reunited. — Jennifer Hall, All Things Pawssible, Charlottesville, VA

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That Time When Narcotics Dogs Alerted in My Pet Store Fri, 20 Oct 2023 04:00:26 +0000 Not to worry: It was planned.

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Border patrol agents came in asking if they could do a search in the store for practice. So we got to watch the two dogs find narcotics that had been hidden in our business. — Kelly Hilzendager, Treat Play Love, Grand Forks, ND

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What Is the Worst Possible Mistake You Can Make on a Job Application? Thu, 31 Aug 2023 04:01:15 +0000 Two candidates made this mistake! On the same day no less.

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On the same day, we had not one but two receptionist job candidates spell their own names incorrectly on their job applications. Both had some version of “great attention to detail” in either the application or on their resumes. The irony was not lost on me. — Katherine Ostiguy, Crossbones, Providence, RI

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Grooming Mishap: Minor Mistake or Unforgivable Error Fri, 30 Jun 2023 04:45:07 +0000 This snafu with scissors led to a cancellation of all future appointments.

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We had a grooming customer call to cancel all of his upcoming appointments because our groomer accidentally cut his dog’s eyebrows too short. He was OK with the rest of the cut, just got upset about the eyebrows. — Kristen Watson, The Hipster Hound, Savannah, GA

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True Tales: Who Fakes a Brain Tumor?! Thu, 23 Mar 2023 04:22:19 +0000 When an employee wants time off, she simply lied about the reason and followed up with equally fake photos of her recovery.

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I once had an employee who abruptly needed time off for a surgery — she told us she had a brain tumor. She proceeded to send us photos of her recovering in bed with her dog, etc. for weeks … only to find out she wanted vacation time, and instead of asking for time off, thought lying about a brain tumor was the best option. — Jennifer Frankavitz, Four Leggers Pet Supplies & Services, Beverly, MA

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Jennifer Lawrence, Fake Poop and More Customer Stories That Are Crazy but True Thu, 26 Jan 2023 22:17:16 +0000 The PETS+ Brain Squad shares "True Tales" from their businesses.

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Wait, what? No way! Seriously?! So often goes our response to the “True Tales” submitted by members of the PETS+ Brain Squad, our group of 1,200-plus reader contributors. We only run one in every issue, which means we have many more waiting for their turn in the magazine. So with that in mind, here are 10 that were just too good to let sit for any longer. This batch involves customers, and we’ll run a roundup of employee “True Tales” next. Stay tuned!


We had a customer come in once who tried to return an item during the Covid shutdown. She bought it six months prior, so we denied the return as it was a food item. She then Facebook messages me, threatening me and saying she should have come in when she got Covid and rubbed her fluids all over the product to get me sick. It was hands-down one of the craziest experiences. And when I looked her up, I found out she was a social worker. Kendra Martin, Woof & Whiskers, Omaha, NE


Our grooming clients often show up with crazy things in place of leashes/collars — we require dogs to be leashed to enter. Here’s a few of the latest: extension cord, fish stringer, Covid mask for a collar, clothesline. Can’t make this sh*t up. LOL! Karen Connell, The Bark Market LLC, Delavan, WI


A woman dropped her dog for a groom and asked for a very short shave-down. So we shaved the dog, and she loved it. Well, her husband hated it and blamed us, called us every ugly name in the book. A week later, we received a “Bag of Poop” in the mail with a note telling us he thinks we’re full of crap. It was wet, yucky fake poop … however, it was still a pretty “crappy” thing to do when it wasn’t even our fault. Can you imagine what the wife puts up with on a daily basis? Danielle Wilson, Bath & Biscuits, Granville, OH


We had a client with a series of yellow flags throughout their pet care time with us. Always paid in large bills of new cash. The house wasn’t furnished except for the living room and a bed (two stories, four bedroom, three baths). One time, we arrived to find a legit pair of handcuffs just sitting on a counter. Another time, and one of our last visits, we arrived and an AK-47 was just propped against a wall and there was a SILENCER on it (who needs an AK-47 with that?!). Soon after, he just never rebooked, and when we passed by the home, he had moved. This was all in a span of about six months. Amber Van Denzen Suarez, Atta Boy! Animal Care Pet Sitting + Dog Walking, Mulberry, FL



A customer tried on a harness, hung up their old one and walked out! Rachel McGinnis, Leo & Lucky’s, Parrish, FL


We had a customer return a jar of probiotics for not being “completely full to the top,” even though we explained to her that supplements are sold by weight and she acknowledged this at the time. She still returned the supplement because she felt the company was being “deceitful.” WOW. Krysta Fox, Bruce & Willy’s Natural Pet Source, Geneva, IL


We had a man drop off a miniature Poodle for grooming. A new customer who booked two months in advance. As he was leaving, he left a duffel bag at the counter. He left before we could get his attention, never picked up the dog, and there was no microchip. Our groomer took the Poodle home for two nights. My sister’s family was ready to adopt this sweet dog. We had the police involved from the start. On the dog’s third day at the store, the police brought the ex-wife in and she claimed the dog. The doggy was so excited to be reunited! The ex-husband had a court date the day he brought the dog in, and he was taken into custody and put in jail. Carol Will, Lola & Penelope’s, St. Louis, MO


A couple of years ago, two of my staff were helping a young woman in a baseball hat who seemed like she was trying to not make eye contact. I was watching from the cameras in my office. She was having fun with the Fluff & Tuff toys and bought several, and several chews and treats. When they were finished cashing her out and she drove off, they ran to the back to tell me they just had the opportunity to help Jennifer Lawrence! Terri Nichols, CityDog Market, Atlanta, GA


I was helping a customer with collars. Her back was to the door, and a man walked in, flashed me and walked out — without the customer ever noticing! Jamie Judson, City Bark, Detroit, MI


We had a first-time customer complain that our Doggy Easter Egg Hunt started too early for her to get her kids organized. It starts at 11 a.m., and we usually get about 100 dogs at this event, but she wanted it changed just so her kids could sleep late. Her “kids” are teenagers, by the way. Pattie Zeller, Animal Connection, Charlottesville, VA

What’s the Brain Squad?

If you’re the owner or top manager of a U.S. or Canadian pet retailer or service provider, you’re invited to join the PETS+ Brain Squad. Take one five-minute quiz a month, and you’ll get a free T-shirt, be featured prominently in this magazine, and make your voice heard on key issues affecting the pet industry. Sign up here.

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When It’s Not Only Dogs Who Pee on Products Mon, 16 Jan 2023 03:16:17 +0000 The latest installment of our True Tales column involves a "No Pee Zone" violation of an unusual kind.

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A little boy was mad at his dad for whatever reason and urinated in the nest boxes we had displayed for sale on the bottom shelf of the bird supplies rack. — Liz Harris, Creatures Featured, Madison, FL

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You’ll Never Guess What This Pet Sitter Walked In On Mon, 24 Oct 2022 04:52:33 +0000 Let's just say the client let her go the next day to protect himself.

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We are a professional pet care company in addition to retail. One day, I went in to walk a dog and the husband was home… “with” a woman who was not his wife. His wife was eight months pregnant at the time. Needless to say, he fired us the next day. — Adina Silberstein, Queenie’s Pets, Philadelphia, PA

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Someone Put a Hamster Through the Mail Slot of My Store Tue, 13 Sep 2022 00:45:52 +0000 Barbara Clemmens of Aardvark Pet Supplies in Thornwood, NY, shares this true tale.

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A person put a hamster through our mail slot one evening. A mom with her kids had found it outside the store. The kids shoved it through our mail slot, and then she left a message on our phone alerting me. So then I had a loose hamster in the store. We did catch it, and I saved that hilarious message for months. — Barbara C., Thornwood, Ny

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True Tales: Owner Treats His Dog in Heat to a Spa Day Tue, 05 Apr 2022 23:00:23 +0000 Charlsye Lewis of Metro Animals in Fort Worth, TX, shares this story of the sweetest pet owner.

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An 18-year-old man had a dog in heat. He brought her to our shop for a bath, nail trim and nail polish to help her feel better! What a thoughtful thing to do for your dog! We agreed he’s going to make a lucky woman really happy someday! — Charlsye Lewis, Metro Animals, Fort Worth, TX

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TRUE TAILS: How I Handle Drunk Customers Who Buy Dog Beer Mon, 13 Dec 2021 05:00:42 +0000 It happens when your store sits next to a restaurant that serves alcohol.

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One holiday season, we were selling dog beer and had six-packs sitting by the register. It was Christmas Eve, getting close to closing. Next door is a Mongolian grill that is super busy all the time, and it serves alcohol. I had a mother and son come in who had definitely been over-served. They bought the last six-pack of beer. I’m fairly certain they drank it. I made sure we told them, “Hey, that is for your dog.” But they were smashed and probably didn’t remember. Happy Howlidays! — Anna Woodcock, Brown Dog Bakery, Ankeny, IA

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I Bought a Store After My Cat Ran for U.S. Senate Mon, 11 Oct 2021 00:36:15 +0000 It’s true! And Hank came in third.

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I own Felix & Oscar because of my cat. Hank became internet famous in 2012 when he placed third in the U.S. Senate race for Virginia. We held many campaign events at the store (then, our place to shop for him). I became close friends with the owners, then became an employee, then became the owner myself, all thanks to him! — Matthew O’Leary, Felix & Oscar, Springfield, VA

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What Happened When a Customer Got Her Bird Stuck in Her Hair Wed, 01 Sep 2021 04:57:59 +0000 This helpful store owner came to her rescue with just the right tool.

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A customer calls me and says her African Grey is caught in her hair and she can’t get him out. A few minutes later, the customer pulls up in front of the store with the bird on top of her head. Sure enough, he was wrapped up tight. The customer says, “Just cut him out, don’t worry about my hair, just cut him out.” I get the scissors, chop a portion of her hair, and out the door she goes with the bird and a new hairdo. — Paul Lewis, Birds Unlimited, Webster, NY

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