Candace D'Agnolo Archives - PETSPLUSMAG.COM News and advice for the American pet store and service business owner Tue, 14 Jan 2025 01:14:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Candace D'Agnolo Archives - PETSPLUSMAG.COM 32 32 Does Your Pet Business Need to Hit the Gym? Mon, 13 Jan 2025 20:16:18 +0000 Use this checklist to identify weaknesses and improve performance across your company.

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JUST LIKE YOUR pets need regular exercise, your pet business needs a good workout to stay healthy, strong and profitable. While many of us are hitting the gym this January, let’s get your business in peak condition, too. No more putting off tasks like those neglected winter dog walks — it’s time for a comprehensive fitness check of your operation!

Core Strength: Your Sales Foundation

Think of your services and product lineup as your business’s core muscles. Take a deep dive into what offerings are pulling their weight and which might need toning up. Do your grooming packages still fit your clientele? Or could they use some fresh moves? Examine your profit margins, and beef up rates by adding $1 to $10 where you can. Look for opportunities to add some money muscle with new services or trim the fat from underperforming ones.

Cardio Check: Customer Flow

Just as a good cardio workout gets the blood pumping, smooth customer flow keeps your business’s heart beating. Are you finding good leads as well as enough new customers to replace lost ones? Map out your customer journey from first contact to final payment. Look for any places where the flow gets clogged — those are your business’s equivalent of blocked arteries.

Flexibility Training: Operational Agility

Your business needs to be as nimble as a Border Collie running an agility course. Examine your daily operations for places where you can streamline processes. Are your supplies well-organized? Or is your backstock area looking more like a tangled leash? Sometimes the smallest tweaks in your routine can lead to the greatest gains in performance.


Strength Training: Team Building

Your staff are like your workout buddies — they need the right training, equipment and motivation to perform at their best. Build your team’s strength through cross-training and skill development. Like with any effective fitness routine, create a progressive training plan that builds competence and confidence over time.

Recovery And Growth: Technology Tools

Think of technology as your business’s recovery tools — foam rollers and massage guns for better performance. What tech tools could help your business recover time lost to manual tasks? Maybe automated appointment reminders and video cameras could help you finally relax. Look for ways technology could help you work smarter, not harder.

Personal Training Plan: Growth Strategy

Map out your goals like you would training milestones. Where do you want your business to be in three months? Six months? By year-end? Create a realistic training schedule with achievable benchmarks. Remember, you wouldn’t try to run a marathon without training first — grow your business with the same thoughtful progression.

Don’t just audit. Act! I’ve made it my life’s mission to be like a personal trainer for pet businesses. What I’ve learned over the years is that implementation is the hardest part. So, create a prioritized list of improvements, from what I’ve shared above or that you’ve uncovered, and put each into one of these categories:

  • Quick wins you can implement this month
  • Medium-term projects for the next quarter
  • Long-term goals requiring planning and investment

With consistent effort and the right routine, you’ll have your operation running like a well-trained champion! And it’s way more fun than going to the gym.

LEARN MORE: My New Year’s gift to you is a free business-audit checklist. Download it at

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Feeling Isolated As a Pet-Business Owner? Fri, 08 Nov 2024 01:09:46 +0000 Connecting with other pet professionals provides invaluable support and guidance. Find your people!

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AS PET-BUSINESS OWNERS, we often focus on the tangible aspects of running our companies: inventory management, staffing, marketing strategies, cash flow. But there’s an intangible element that can be just as crucial to our success: community.

In Episode 148 of the “Pet Boss Podcast,” I explored the power of community in the pet industry. It actually may have been the first time I choked up during an episode because the stories I shared highlight how connecting with peers can transform not just your business, but your entire entrepreneurial journey.

As the person who has to make many, if not all, the decisions in business and life, you may feel isolated and like you’re the only one experiencing something. More of you feel this way than you realize. The outward appearances of success, feeling like you’re not moving fast enough or that you’re getting hit with one blow after the next, can keep you down.

You wear multiple hats, make countless decisions daily, and may lack a sounding board that truly understands your unique challenges. This isolation, or even what’s described as imposter syndrome, can lead to self-doubt, burnout, and a loss of passion for the very thing that once drove you.


What if you could change that narrative? Surround yourself with fellow pet professionals who not only understand your struggles but are also eager to share their experiences, offer support and celebrate your successes? It would be amazing, right?! It does exist. You just need to lean into it.

By connecting with other pet-business owners, you create a robust network of support that can:

  • Provide fresh perspectives: When we’re too close to a problem, sometimes all we need is an outside view. Fellow pet professionals can offer insights we might have overlooked.
  • Share resources: From vendor recommendations to marketing strategies, a strong community becomes a treasure trove of industry-specific knowledge.
  • Offer emotional support: Running a business is an emotional rollercoaster. Having peers who understand the highs and lows can be invaluable for our mental health.

One story I shared on the podcast was about Taylor Gonzalez of Three Tails Parlor & Pantry. She told me about how community support reignited her passion and purpose. She said, “I was searching for the girl who started this journey seven years ago, and I didn’t think I could find her. After surrounding myself with the right people, I did! And she is stronger than I ever imagined.” When you find your right community and lean into them, your confidence soars and you feel like you can do anything!

Building this kind of supportive network doesn’t happen by accident. It requires intention, vulnerability and a willingness to engage. Here are some steps you can take to cultivate community in your journey:

  • Join industry-specific groups and forums: Look for online or local groups dedicated to pet professionals, like Pet Boss Nation’s programs and the PETS+ Facebook Community.
  • Attend industry events and conferences: These are great opportunities to meet peers face-to-face and build relationships.
  • Participate in mentorship programs: Whether as a mentor or mentee, these relationships can be incredibly rewarding.
  • Share your experiences: Don’t be afraid to open up about your challenges and successes. Your story might be exactly what someone else needs to hear. (Huge thank-you and shout-out to those who participated in the Big Survey this issue. Keep that sharing going when you connect in real life and online with your peers.)
  • Celebrate others’ successes: A rising tide lifts all ships. When we genuinely celebrate our peers’ wins, we create a positive environment that encourages growth for everyone.

Remember, building a thriving pet business isn’t just about what you know — it’s also about who you know and the community you build around yourself. It’s the power of proximity. By fostering these connections, we not only improve our businesses but also create a more resilient, supportive industry as a whole.

So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or isolated in your journey, remember: You are not alone. Reach out, connect and tap into the incredible power of community. Your pet business — and your entrepreneurial spirit — will thank you.


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Take This Step-by-Step Approach to Improve the Customer Experience in Your Pet Business Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:21:13 +0000 By outlining each stage of your customer's journey, you can create and enhance processes for both them and you.

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IN MY MARCH-APRIL COLUMN, I wrote about innovation in the customer journey, i.e., customer experience: how to look for moments where you can improve processes, surprise and delight your customer, and encourage more touch points. All of this to build a raving, loyal fan who will support your business for many years to come.

Keela Huotari of Yellowstone Kennels in Sidney, MT, provided this feedback in the PETS+ Brain Squad: “I loved the ‘Focus On Innovation’ column by Candace D’Agnolo! She gave some great ideas, but I wish I had a little bit more to go on to actually map out my customer’s journey. It left me wanting more!” Well, Keela, and all of my other regular PETS+ readers, let’s delve deeper into this topic and use one of her challenges as an example.

Stages Within the Customer Journey

Seven stages an individual customer could go through as part of their full customer journey exist: 1) The discovery stage — searching for and learning about your business. 2) The decision-making stage — when they say yes to book an appointment or make a purchase. 3) The purchasing process — lots of opportunities to surprise and delight. 4) Onboarding period — what they need to know to be set up for success. 5) Long-term nurture phase — when you stay connected with them and provide additional resources. 6) Conflict stage — how you handle those who are unsatisfied and want refunds. 7) Termination stage — when the relationship comes to an end. Did they move? Pet passed away? Went to the competition?

By outlining these stages, I hope you see all the opportunities that exist to improve your customer’s experience!


Diving In

It may seem overwhelming to begin the process of outlining all of the steps in a customer’s journey since there are so many touch points. My advice: Pick one of the stages above to work through. Write down all of the things that the customer experiences from the start of that stage through the end. Consider any challenges a customer faces.

Think of solutions to help them and you. Are the solutions aligned with your business values and goals? Do you have the ability to execute them? Can you build a process around the solution so it’s easy to maintain and repeat for all of your customers? The outline you create can guide implementation of new ideas into your pet business. Bringing the ideas to life will be thrilling and likely increase your retention rates and overall revenue!

Example: Onboarding

Keela shared that she’s had a hard time getting her customers to move from a paper process to her new online booking software. Here’s how you can think about a customer’s journey — whether for retail loyalty apps or for boarding, pet sitting, grooming or any other service you offer — using this example: It falls into the onboarding stage.

Step 1: Review what a customer experiences and why there’s a lack of success. Anything involving a new process for customers, especially when it involves technology, can be confusing. Perhaps your client base needs some hand-holding for an important advancement in your business. List all the reasons someone may have a hard time. Here’s some I came up with: No access to a computer or Wi-Fi, doesn’t understand how to find and access apps on mobile devices, can’t find the link or maybe they just keep forgetting to do it.

Step 2: Brainstorm different touch points and tools you can implement to provide solutions to each of the different customer experiences. Don’t rule any idea out. Below are the solutions I brainstormed. First, you must be well versed in using the software yourself and answering common questions. Keep track of any issues that come up so you can get clarity from the software company.


  • Have a printed cheat sheet to hand out that gives tips along with the website URL or QR code where they can complete the registration process on their own. Include instructions on the handout and/or send them to a page on your website with even more detailed instructions.
  • Dedicate an iPad or two at check-in where customers can register with your help.
  • Send multiple emails asking them to register on the new platform; segment the list so you can keep reminding those who haven’t without spamming those who have.
  • Incentify people to register and to use the tool. Give everyone who does by a certain date a $5 to $10 discount. Then enter all customers who are on board by a specific date into a raffle for a better prize.
  • When customers reach out to book via text or Facebook message, always direct them to the registration or booking link.
  • Keep the link easy to find on your website, in email newsletters, email confirmations, text messages, etc.
  • Not everyone will want to make reservations online, so you may still need to assist, which is totally fine. It’s up to you to determine the level of white glove service you’d like to offer.
  • Inspect what you expect! Check in with your customer base to see if any have questions or issues. Host Zoom meetings or in-person appointment times.
  • Review if you’ve gained or lost business because of the change to new software. Reach out to any customers who you haven’t seen in three months or more.

Whew! There’s a lot you could do here. Can you see now why I suggested picking just one part of your business to break down in the customer journey? Outlining solutions to improve their experience will get the results you want and improve revenue over time, too.

Breaking down your customers’ experiences as I’ve explained will be eye opening. You can teach old dogs new tricks … even if that’s you!


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How to Make the Most of Relationships With Pet Vendor Partners Tue, 18 Jun 2024 04:00:08 +0000 Doing so will create a win-win for both the retailer and the brand.

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YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH vendors are some of your most valuable assets. By collaborating closely with key vendor partners (think: the owners or employees of the brands you sell, their sales reps, and your distributors) you can gain a competitive edge, better serve your customers and grow your business. But I often hear that pet professionals don’t know what to ask their reps for or that they’ve never thought beyond free samples, coupons and raffle items.

Here, I’m sharing tips from what I experienced in my previous boutique and what our Pet Boss Nation clients have done to maximize these critical partnerships for the greatest success:

Start with the ‘why.’ Before engaging in negotiations or asking for something, get clear on your desired outcome and motivations. What exactly do you want to achieve and why? You should also consider what a “win” looks like for your vendor, too. How can you create mutually beneficial outcomes? And of course, make sure you’re talking to the decision-maker who can help you reach those goals.

Leverage your insights. Prior to meetings, gather relevant data, facts and figures to support your position as to how much your business may grow together, what piece of the market could be captured or how many customers would be impacted by their generosity. Where does this brand rank in comparison to their competitors in your shop? What percentage of square footage do they have in a specific department? How quickly or slowly is inventory moving? This data can tell stories to influence your negotiation.

Look beyond just pricing. While competitive everyday pricing and special buy-ins are important, think bigger. Could you get early notice on closeouts to score hot deals? Is the vendor open to guaranteed sales, where they’ll buy back products or swap out the inventory of items that don’t move? Negotiating for more free goods, discounts, and terms such as net 15, net 30 or even net 60 can boost your bottom line.

Maximize in-store opportunities. Your brick-and-mortar is a powerful asset. Collaborate with vendors on signage, displays and even custom fixtures to grab attention. Demonstrations, samples, coupons and frequent-buyer programs are sure to incentivize sales. Large window graphics, sponsored in-store experiences, and promotional videos playing on monitors all build awareness and connection to a brand.

Pamper your people. Your team is the face of your business and the in-store sales rep for the vendors. Negotiate for vendor-sponsored staff lunches, team product samples, feeding programs and apparel to drive excitement. See if they’ll cover product training, cash-based sales games or continuing education to boost knowledge. When your employees feel valued, they’ll sell with passion.

Utilize marketing might. Explore marketing co-op dollars for digital, print, radio ads, vehicle wraps, flash sales, gift baskets and exclusive coupons. See if they’ll sponsor your events, contribute to charity fundraisers you support or provide experts for educational seminars. Collaborate on social media, such as takeovers, contests and guest blogs, to expand your reach.

Remember, everything is negotiable. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need to thrive, whether that’s better pricing, in-store support or consumer-facing collaborations. The more creatively you approach your vendor partnerships, the more fruitful they’ll be. It just needs to be a win-win for you both.

Every single idea mentioned here has worked for a small business in the pet industry. I’ve seen it or experienced it. You may not get a brand to do everything, but you have a lot of brands you can leverage for so much support in being the pet retailer your community loves! When you succeed, your vendor partners succeed, too.

LEARN MORE: Relax at a beautiful lake, refuel your leadership confidence and reignite your passion for your pet business at Camp Pet Boss. This one-of-a-kind business retreat mixes conference learning and camp-like activities for pet professionals and their dogs. Happening Aug. 27-30 in Lake Delton, WI, ticket price includes all food, lodging, seminars, swag and activities. Register at

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Why You Shouldn’t Just Improve the Customer Experience at Your Pet Business Thu, 18 Apr 2024 04:07:50 +0000 Instead, focus on innovation!

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AT THE HEART OF every business lies a crucial element often overlooked — the customer journey. In our industry, we have the opportunity others don’t to merge pets and people into a unique customer experience. Understanding, optimizing and innovating this journey proves key to thriving in a world where inflation and convenience are competitive challenges.

Innovating the customer experience differs from improving it because innovation involves exploring new experiences or making recognizable shifts, rather than updating existing ones.

Understanding Your Customer Journey

Have you ever mapped out all the moments during which a customer engages with your company? It should encompass the complete experience of a pet owner and their pet, from the initial awareness of a need, to how they are greeted by phone or in person, to purchases of products or services, to how you reconnect so the customer may engage with your brand again. In the pet industry, emotional connection heavily influences this journey, with many moments to help you build a relationship over the lifetime of the pet owner, not just the pet.

I recently attended the Pet Industry Leadership Summit in San Diego, CA, and had the great opportunity to hear restaurateur Will Guidara, author of “Unreasonable Hospitality,” give a keynote. He shared that his entire team mapped out their customer’s journey, identifying moments where there was friction, and Guidara encouraged his team to explore how to make it a better experience. They created moments of surprise and delight in ways I’d never heard of before! I definitely recommend getting his book.


Recognizing Its Importance

Focusing on this journey is not just about making sales; it’s about creating experiences that lead to loyal customers. Satisfied pet owners often translate into repeat business, referrals and a strong positive reputation for your brand. By understanding and enhancing each step of the journey, you can create a loyal customer base that values your offerings beyond price or convenience. You will see tangible results such as increased sales, engaged employees and more overall joy in your business.

Innovating Along the Way

Some obvious ideas to consider are hosting pet-friendly events, offering an app for convenient scheduling of services, implementing a loyalty program, ensuring your website is user-friendly, and considering an e-commerce option for convenience.

A more interesting approach would be to embrace “hospitality,” seeing yourself as a concierge and treating as many customers as possible as VIPs.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Provide complimentary beverages and snacks in a comfortable seating area to grooming clients waiting for their pets.
  • Give a small welcome gift each time a customer joins your loyalty program.
  • Call or text to check in after a purchase or service.
  • Mail a gift when you hear a customer has a big life event.
  • Call around to other stores to see if they have what you’re out of stock of.
  • Hire a Customer Success Manager.

Endless opportunities exist within your customer journey! You can create an experience that not only meets their needs, but also builds a lasting relationship based on trust and a little bit of wow factor! Embrace the work you may need to do here to analyze and implement. It will cost money, but it’s way more effective than traditional marketing dollars and will enhance your company culture at the same time!

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Embrace These 3 Technology Trends in Your Pet Business in 2024 Thu, 21 Dec 2023 01:32:00 +0000 Candace D'Agnolo explains why adding these tools to your business toolbox will benefit you and your customers.

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THE CHAMPAGNE HAS popped, and the balloons have dropped. Now what? The new year has brought with it new opportunities, some of which involve the latest technology trends. As a pet business coach who has worked with thousands of pet professionals, I have strong opinions about which trends you should jump on. Embracing these three tech trends is not just about staying relevant, though; it’s also about enhancing customer experience, streamlining operations and ultimately driving more sales. Sounds easy peasy, right?! It will be.


This is No. 1 on just about every 2024 trend list because it can’t be ignored! AI in marketing refers to the use of machine-learning algorithms and data analysis to predict customer behavior, create efficiencies and personalize marketing efforts. That’s a mouthful. For pet businesses, leveraging AI means reaching the right audience (hint, hint, not every pet owner) with the right message at the right time.

It analyzes customer information to identify patterns and preferences, helping you tailor your marketing strategies to individual needs, which normally would be horribly time-consuming without AI assistance. This will lead to higher engagement, customer loyalty and sales. When you become comfortable with AI tools and techniques, you’ll save time and money, too!

How to use: AI-powered tools can help with personalized email marketing campaigns and social media content creation such as ideas, plans, copy, video and images. AI also can help in chatbots for customer service, providing instant responses to inquiries on your website or social media platforms.



Automation means using technology to perform repetitive tasks without you, or anyone on your team, having to intervene. Wahoo! This could range from scheduling appointments to inventory management.

Automation frees up time for you to focus on more important aspects of your business, such as customer interactions, staff training, and strategic planning for your next big pet project. It also reduces the chances of errors and improves efficiency.

Examples: Retailers can automate inventory tracking, many recurring business processes and even the checkout process. This could include gathering reviews, which I don’t know about you, but I personally hated having to ask for those. It’s great to know software can now assist! Dog groomers and day-care facilities can benefit from automated booking, closing client contracts and sending appointment reminders.


In the world of social media and digital marketing, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game. Either your audience is large and unengaged, or your list is small and you don’t feel like marketing to a small audience is worth doing. The focus should not be on the numbers and accumulating vanity metrics, or feeling like you need to do it all, but on cultivating quality relationships with current and potential customers. Engaged and connected customers are more likely to return and recommend your pet business to others.

Mindset reframe: Instead of aiming for a large number of followers or a huge email list, focus on engaging with your current customers. There’s no disadvantage to a small list. The only setback is an underutilized customer list and a business owner afraid to communicate with them (gosh, I see this far too often). Do me a favor and make it your new year’s resolution to share relevant and engaging content frequently, encourage reviews of your business and create a community around your brand. Yes, your brand. Not a brand you sell.

The thought of integrating AI, automation and having a quality-centered approach in marketing might seem daunting, especially if you feel overwhelmed by technology. However, I’ve found most tools to be user-friendly and many have support, or at least good YouTube videos, on how to leverage them. The benefits far outweigh sitting in fear of tech and software. Remember, technology is a means to connect more deeply with your customers and community, not a barrier. Embrace these trends with optimism and watch your pet business thrive in 2024!

LEARN MORE: I actually have two more 2024 tech trends to share with you! To hear about No. 4 and 5, tune into episode 112 of my podcast, “Boss Your Business — The Pet Boss Podcast,” where I dive deeper into all five trends for pet stores and service providers. It’s available on all podcast streaming platforms and at But wait, there’s even more! Attend my free seminars at Global Pet Expo in Orlando, FL, both on Thursday, Mar. 21: “Content to Cash Flow: The Marketing to Money Formula Using AI,” from 10 to 11:15 a.m., and “Where Are All Your Customers?: Tools and Tech to Supercharge Your Retention Results, from 3 to 4:15 p.m.


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5 Ways to Boost Holiday Sales at Your Pet Store Wed, 13 Dec 2023 02:25:30 +0000 It’s not too late! Get even more out of this holiday shopping season with these simple sales strategies.

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THE YEAR-END hustle is upon us, and for many pet businesses, the holiday season is the quarter worth drooling over. Are you feeling behind on your promotions and marketing? A little bit like your procrastination villain is alive and well? Don’t fret! These ideas are easy to implement and proven to add revenue this season.

There is still enough time! Better late than never, right?

While it’s natural to expect a bump in traffic during the months of November and December, don’t merely wait for the opportunities. Seize them! Here’s how:

Leverage holiday premiums. With the surge in demand for services such as pet sitting, self-wash, day care, grooming and boarding, consider introducing holiday premiums. So if you offer any services, this means increasing your rates during the holidays and peak hours.

This could help reduce wait times for regular customers and clients, guarantee availability for them, and ensure your business can afford its staffing needs. Rates will need to increase, after all, due to overtime hours and holiday pay. Factor these costs into your pricing and know that customers understand that services during peak times may come with a slight price uptick. Just be prepared to communicate the value of the service, speed, and extra perks you could toss in for the season.

Boost purchases … guaranteed. Want to know how to close the sale before you even know what someone wants? Ask them, “Are you shopping for your pet or someone else’s pet?” They will likely give you an answer, and then boom! They’ve said yes to buying something. Now you just have to uncover what that could be! And then as I like to say … “Show, show, show until they say no.” It works every time to increase your average sale.

Introduce the “Bounce Back” offer. Use this time of year to build your customer list and increase future visits. So many new people will be engaging with your business — add them to your email list at every opportunity, then give a gift certificate ($5 to $25) or a coupon (15% to 25% off) for their next visit. Tuck it into their shopping bag or mail it inside a thank you card for an extra special touch! It’s an enticing reason for them to return and shop after the holiday frenzy passes.

Promote gift cards. Start this now and talk about it often! Your current customers may buy gift cards for themselves or tell their friends and family they want them as holiday gifts! Gift cards are a no-brainer in the pet retail world. Some customers are so nervous to buy treats or toys because they don’t know the other person’s dog very well, and they don’t want their gift to go to waste. A gift certificate solves that problem. Make them available online and in store. Maybe even by phone! Most importantly, amplify the message using all of your marketing platforms: social media, email, website, in-store signs, displays, bag stuffers, etc. Pampering a pet with a gift certificate experience from your business is a delightful gift idea!

Reimagine your register area. This space isn’t just for ringing up sales — it’s prime real estate! Spotlight higher-priced impulse items or showcase a holiday service package. Gone are the days when impulse buys only meant inexpensive add-ons. Today’s customer will indulge if they see value. Don’t miss this chance to enhance your profits with bigger-ticket goodies here. Maybe even dedicate a team member who samples add-ons to customers in line. Again … show, show, show until they say no.

The holiday season is more than just increased foot traffic, long days, and constant holiday music. It’s a treasure trove of opportunities. With these strategies, you’re well-equipped to make the most of Q4. Here’s to a prosperous holiday season for your pet business!

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These 10 Ideas Will Help You Boost the Online Presence of Your Pet Business Thu, 13 Jul 2023 04:10:17 +0000 Be vulnerable, repurpose reviews, plus eight more ways to grab the attention of your existing customers and create new ones.

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I hate to break it to you, but small-business owners must be content creators and online influencers to thrive. You may not love the camera or may not understand how the platforms work, but at the end of the day, what you sell and how you help people has to get out into the world. Your silence is allowing the competition to find your customers first. 

So if it’s not you that’s talking to the camera, then who? If it’s not now, then when?! How much longer will you put this off? Charge up your phone and get the tripod ready, my friend, because you’re about to go viral. Or at least I hope you do!

Marketing has evolved so that consumers go to social media first to discover and choose the brands they want to support and buy from. With 33% of pet ownership held by Millennials, and Gen Z quickly pulling up behind, they are your target market. You’ll always find them on their mobile devices. With only 8 seconds (or less) to grab their attention, you better have a wow factor to stop the scroll.

One of the most common things I hear as a pet-business coach is, “I don’t know what to talk about on social media.”

Don’t overthink your content creation strategy. In fact, the less you overthink it, the more ideas will come to you. You can repurpose, you can put a new spin on existing content, and you CAN be consistent with your social media marketing. That’s the most important thing.

Here are 10 content ideas for your pet business: 

Use them on social media, share it in your weekly email newsletters, talk about it on a podcast, create YouTube videos, make it a blog post. There are so many ways to distribute your content.

1. Tell the story of why you started your business.

Stories, especially the ones that fuel your passion, build bonds with your audience. Depending on how much you want to share, they might even make you a bit vulnerable, but guess what — vulnerability makes you RELATABLE! And relatability equals trust. Don’t be afraid to share your stories! 

2. Introduce the pets who inspired what you do! Share their stories, too!

Pet lovers will ALWAYS stop the scroll to ogle over a cute pet. Sharing your pets with your audience is an easy way to make you more relatable as a pet owner. Introduce your pets, share funny stories or ask your audience to guess their breed! Use reel templates to montage videos of business pets in action (or sleeping on the job) and set it to a trending sound.

3. Repurpose your reviews with a spin. 

Let your raving fans create content for you! Sharing the words of your pet business’s biggest fans will encourage others to want to support you, too, and showcase how real customers are receiving your business. Lay a screenshot of a review behind you while you record a heartfelt thank you or explain the service they are raving about.

4. Do a poll.

Polls are easy ways to encourage engagement with your online audience. You can do this in your feed, in your Instagram stories, or create video content to ask your audience to comment with their vote. You can poll your audience on anything and everything! 

?BONUS TIP?– Poll your audience on what they’d like to see more of on your social media (behind the scenes in your pet business, new product releases, more of your irresistibly cute dog,  etc.), so you know exactly what type of content to focus on moving forward!

5. Share a tip about something you sell or answer the most common questions. 

Do you have a service or product you get the same question about often? How about a product you’d love to highlight by sharing an exclusive tip or demonstration about how to use it? Use your content to answer your audience’s specific questions and then ask them for more questions! 

6. Meet your team.

Your team members are the faces of your business (other than yours and the more slobbery faces of your pets.) The more familiar your audience becomes with both you AND your team, the more they will trust your pet business as a whole. 

Ask your team members for stories they’d like to share, see if they want to do any special segments on your social media (like Q&A sessions, for example), or play “Two Truths and A Lie” to allow your audience to interact with your content while getting to know your paw-some team. 

7.  Pose a question pet lovers cannot resist. 

Keep it simple, but make it easy (and irresistible) to answer. It may be unrelated to your business, but it shows the algorithm that people are into what your page has to say, especially to those engaging. So it will more likely serve up your posts to them again in the future.


? Dog hair don’t care? Or lint roll everything? 

?Big dog person? Or love the small but mighty breeds? 

?Let the dogs sleep in your bed? Or dog beds only

?Dogs? Cats? Or BOTH?! 

?Tell us how many pets you have in the comments using ONLY emojis. 

8. Post a day in the life of a pet business owner. 

Use the time-lapse option on your phone to record some of your day-to-day tasks — whether that is stocking shelves, bathing and grooming dogs or doing administrative work (yes, you typing at your computer). 

Share what you’re doing in the caption, or add a text overlay! Even the tasks that feel mundane are insight for your audience members. Share the details, even if they don’t seem exciting to you. Your audience wants to see what it’s like to be in your shoes and experience the dedication you put into each day. 

9. Promote your events and sales. 

Your audience members are busy, so sharing reminders about your events or upcoming sales is always a good idea! They may forget to mark their calendars, so they’ll appreciate multiple shares so they don’t miss out. Want to know when you should start marketing for upcoming events? I address that question in episode 42 of the “Boss Your Business Podcast.”  Check it out! 

10.  Record a video of a pet engaging in a service of your business.

Watching other people’s pets engage within your business paints a picture for your audience and makes them imagine their pets doing the same. Ask pet owners if you can record a short video of their dogs engaging in your services. Chances are they’ll be excited for their pet’s big debut on your social media! 

Each of these ideas above can be photos, graphics, pre-recorded videos, lives, reels and more! Imagine sharing just three ideas from each of these categories. You’d have 30 days of content!!

You’ll find more marketing strategies and tips during Pet Boss Nation’s Pet Business Bootcamp happening July 16-21, 2023. Access to the six virtual workshops is only $10. 

You’ll learn how to…

✅ Attract more of your ideal customer… on repeat!

✅ Convert more lookers into buyers with a simple process that works multiple times per day!

✅ Watch more customers return… again and again!

✅ Learn how to increase loyalty and engagement in your pet business (and get ahead of your competitors!)

Hope to see you there! 

Visit to get your ticket!

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3 Types of Videos That Help You Make Authentic Connections With Customers Tue, 18 Oct 2022 04:23:30 +0000 These formats convey information without coming off as salesy.

The post 3 Types of Videos That Help You Make Authentic Connections With Customers appeared first on PETSPLUSMAG.COM.

FOR GENERATIONS, WE’VE been attracted to video: first movies, then TV shows, and today on YouTube and TikTok, all of which can now be accessed on our phones at any time. So it’s understandable that creating video content ranks as one of the top marketing strategies for businesses. You can use video to attract new customers and educate existing ones, and even convey your company’s culture.

Consumers — 54% according to Hubspot — say they want to see MORE video from businesses they already support. And consumers — 64% according to Tubular Insights — actually purchase products after watching social videos created by the brands.

Video content builds what’s called the “know, like, trust” factor faster than any other marketing medium. The visual story it tells can trigger different emotions using color and props, animation, expression, sound and lighting.

You may be hesitant to get started. After all, adapting to new technology can be intimidating, and you may fear being judged. It’s cool to show up as your authentic self, though — the messy can be perfect because the imperfect is relatable.

Putting yourself on camera isn’t about you. It’s about the message you have to share and the impact you can make. It’s about your customer, the person on the other side of the screen, who’s connecting with what you’re saying. Ultimately, it’s really about the animals, providing amazing solutions so they can have the best life possible.

Here are three types of videos to make part of your marketing plan:

1. “About Us” — From a longer five-minute brand story for your Facebook page and website to a series of clips no longer than one minute, you can continually introduce specific points about yourself, your business and your team. Share what inspired you to start your business, services you offer, the benefits of doing business with you, what customers can expect, introduce the team, tour your facility and so much more!

2. “A Day in My Business” — People love to see the raw and uncut reality of what others do for a living. Create a mini-“documentary” of what a day looks like behind the scenes of your business. Still only a few seconds to a few minutes to keep people engaged, showcase what people may not normally see and stitch the clips together. Maybe you’re unpacking a shipment, getting ready for an event, making a product, boxing up online orders, having a team lunch, blow drying a dog, etc. These are some of the most popular videos and “sell” what you do without seeming salesy.

3. “How to” or “Tip” Videos — These are an effective way to educate your followers about a specific topic: Some people learn better by watching videos versus reading manuals, so these are great for customers and the team! Cover how to trim your pet’s nails, build a better bowl, get involved with your local rescue, and offer pet safety tips and specifics of using individual products you sell. These expert videos allow you to inform your customer about something you sell, again without it seeming like a sales pitch. People with the problem to solve or the need to fill will be drawn to purchasing without even realizing it.

Can you make three short reels on one day every week, and then release them at different times during the week? Yes! Can you do a Facebook live for 15 minutes, once a week? You bet!

With video you’re no longer the unknown owner of the business. Your customers can “meet” you and learn why they should support your business. Connection opportunities are everywhere, so start using video!

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3 Ways to Shake Up Your Inventory to Better Manage Pet Supply Issues Thu, 04 Aug 2022 04:06:34 +0000 Pet Boss Nation's Candace D'Agnolo offers advice on how to keep shelves stocked and money coming into your pet store.

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AS A RETAILER, I focused heavily on inventory planning, sourcing and product mix. It was an important piece of getting through the 2008 recession, and it positioned us for growth after and allowed me to sell my business at a profit in early 2020. Along with the potential for yet another recession, today’s store owners are dealing with supply chain issues, increasing manufacturer acquisitions, favorite brands going into big box and even technical difficulties at the distributor level. With so many outside factors impacting your success, I encourage you to focus on what you can control … and that’s what you choose to sell.

No matter what’s happening behind the scenes of the products you carry, you have the final say on what ends up on your shelves. A retailer makes money by turning inventory quickly and improving cash flow. The faster you turn, while maintaining a healthy margin, the more you’ll make. If your shelves are bare and there’s nothing to sell, that’s when you’ll get into financial trouble. I emphasize this point because I’m seeing empty shelves at many stores.

As we head toward a potential recession, I urge you to be aggressive in filling the void left by supply chain disruptions. Finding a balance between value-priced and high-quality items will be more important than ever over the next year.

Sourcing issues are actually a good thing. They tell you that you may be too comfortable with ordering products just from distributors (or heck, maybe only from one or two distributors).


They tell you that you may put too much faith in one brand. Sourcing challenges actually ignite creativity about the products you carry. In times like these, you may just find your next big inventory hit to help you stand out from the competition. Now is the time to test and try new things.

Part of retail success means never being complacent with your existing products or vendors. With that in mind, here are three ways to “think different” when it comes to your inventory:

1. Become intrigued by sourcing. Go straight to the wholesaler … or even more interesting is if you can find the supplier selling to the wholesaler. Work with local makers or start making things yourself. Comb through trade publications, but also visit manufacturer websites, as you will discover products not featured in the magazines. Online marketplaces and reps like Faire, Wholesale Pet, Pet Palette, Go to Rover, Packer Mellem and even Alibaba are great for discovering products. Participate in Facebook groups and forums where vendors share their wares.


2. Change up your categories by adding or expanding. If one category is thin or completely out of stock and you can’t find brand replacements, consider adding an entirely new category to your assortment. For example, if the chew bins are looking bare, downsize that area and bring in a bulk biscuit bar. Or expand an existing category temporarily. So if you’re low on canned dog food, add more of a hot seller like freeze-dried product. Fill that shelving space with what you can!

3. Go “wider” and perhaps “deeper” within an easy-to-stock brand. Have a brand you love with a large catalog? Order “wide” by bringing in a variety of their items that you don’t normally carry. Or go “deep” by getting more of the best-selling stuff and suggesting it to everyone, to convert shoppers to try these brands.

Now is not the time to cross your fingers and hope for the best. Get out there and start bringing great new products into your store!

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Complete These 7 Important Tasks at Your Pet Business Before the End of 2020 Mon, 12 Oct 2020 04:04:32 +0000 These tasks will help you stay dialed in.

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BEFORE SAYING GOOD-BYE to 2020 and leaping into the new year, there are seven key business areas for which you must make time. This year still may have a few curveballs left, but these tasks will help you stay dialed in.

1. Prep your business. Stock up not just on inventory, but supplies. After a busy day working, the last thing you’ll want to do is run an errand. Stock up on all coronavirus essentials (masks, sanitizer, wipes) and business essentials (paper products, ribbon, stickers). In a cold weather location? Review the needs to winterize your space (pet friendly de-icing salt, space heaters). Even connect with a snow-plow service to help keep sidewalks and parking lots clear.

2. Give the office TLC. Spend one afternoon organizing your office. Ensure all invoices for the year are filed or scanned. If you can get your invoices caught up, closed out and received into your point-of-sale system, your bookkeeper and accountant will be ready to roll Jan. 1. Cleaning up this space also will give you a sense of control in uncertain times.

3. Rev up your online presence. Driving traffic to your website is critical with online shopping set to dominate this holiday season. Consistently promote your online store on social media and in email marketing. Make it front and center on all marketing. Deliver targeted ads on Facebook by uploading your customer list to Ads Manager as a custom audience. It doesn’t take a big budget to make a big impact! Go live on social media four to seven days a week. If you have special hours, update them on your website, on your Google My Business page, and pin a post to the top of your Facebook page.

4. Celebrate your team. The fourth quarter is exhausting, and unfortunately many retail and service workers are burned out or have lost their enthusiasm. It’s time to turn up your communication. Engage positively, listen and ask questions to help your staff feel heard, confident and part of the team. Figure out bonuses, holiday pay and gift exchanges early to get them excited. Get restaurant gift cards to reward above-and-beyond efforts and positive attitudes on the fly.

5. Think about your customers. Customers love receiving surprise gifts, especially ones related to their pets. Buy branded merchandise and add pet names after (like with a paint pen, vinyl sticker or label). During November and December, hand out bounce-back gift certificates with all purchases. The “bounce back” is to get the customer to come back during the first quarter. Make a unique offer for each month to drive repeat visits.

6. Track the good, bad and fabulous. Don’t you wish you could remember everything you did last year? Like what worked well and what didn’t? Start a log for this year! Use your favorite notebook or start a Google Doc. Each day or two, jot down thoughts, upload pictures, track numbers, screenshot reports — all to track exactly what happened this season. Keep notes of what worked well and what didn’t for events, promotions, products, window displays and social media posts. What were your hours, shift-coverage results, team attitudes, bestsellers and total duds. This doc will help you next year to do less of what didn’t work and more of what did!

7. Put a bow on it. The end of the year is a natural time for reflection and goal setting. Grab a piece of paper and make three sections: stop, start and continue. Set the timer for five minutes for each key area of your business, such as employees, inventory, operations, marketing, time management and even how you handled COVID-19 issues. What no longer serves you or wasn’t a good idea? These go under “Stop.” What opportunities or new ideas should you start doing? Put them under “Start.” What worked well? These go under “Continue.” Do this solo or as a team. Reviewing your company in this way will help you establish goals for the year ahead. You will know what to leave behind and what to bring to life!

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4 Ways to Run Your Pet Store Like a Casino, Not a Museum Tue, 11 Aug 2020 07:28:23 +0000 These strategies will help you refresh your inventory and wallet.

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IN THE WORLD of retail, you’re either a museum or a casino. Do you know the difference? Do you know which one you are? One is a lot better off than the other.

A “museum retailer” holds on to inventory way too long. They’ve invested hard-earned money into the merchandise and will not lose their margin by running a sale. Often, a “museum retailer” is afraid of attracting more bargain shoppers than those willing to pay full price.

On the other hand, a “casino retailer” understands the importance of putting on a show. They feed money into the system to buy more of what’s selling and less of what’s not. This retailer isn’t afraid to raise the stakes by bundling merchandise, giving away freebies with purchases and running exciting promotions. Ching! Ching! Ching!

When you move more goods, you’re turning inventory faster. The faster it leaves your store, the sooner you get money back and can re-invest into something new your customers will love.

Here are some “casino” ideas to get you started:

1. Make deals extra special. To move a lot of inventory quickly and to get shoppers coming in to buy more product, go deep with discounts. Pull a list of merchandise over six months old. That may be half of your store, but remember you don’t want to be a museum. It’s time to play the clearance sale game and make more money.

2. Organize goods into categories like “Great Stuff,” “Pretty Good” and “Total Dogs.” The great stuff should start at 25 percent off, pretty good stuff at 50 percent off and the dogs at 75 percent off. That’s right! Now you can promote up to 75 percent off. Run this for one week, then decide what to further mark down or just re-merchandise.

3. Hold a virtual sale. These can be tricky, as jumping on Facebook Live and juggling the camera and the comments can be overwhelming. Plus, processing orders after is a full-time job. Depending on your social distancing situation, though, a virtual sale may be exactly what you need. It creates a sense of urgency and limits lingering in your store. Promote your virtual sale as much as any in-person event. And test out a platform such as CommentSold, which converts comments into sales and automatically invoices shoppers.

4. Create a “Buy & Sell” Facebook group. This will make featuring products and their prices easy peasy. Plus, customers can quickly message you if interested. Commit to streaming live a couple of times a day to feature items that may need a little explanation. This also will help keep engagement up. Reward people for inviting pet parents to the group by entering them in a drawing to win a prize!

Navigating COVID-19 as a brick-and-mortar store certainly has taken a hit on our theoretical retail casino, but these strategies will help you refresh your inventory and wallet for Q4.

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How to Create Recurring Revenue Through a Membership Model Tue, 14 Jul 2020 04:03:21 +0000 Recurring revenue creates stability, predictable cash flow and is the easiest way to scale a business.

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TAKE A LOOK at the solutions you use in your life right now, whether business or personal. What do you see? Netflix. Zoom. Constant Contact. Your reservation software. What’s the similarity? They are monthly subscriptions! You pay the same price each month, regardless of how much you use them. Recurring revenue creates stability, predictable cash flow and is the easiest way to scale a business. Don’t you want a piece of that action? Well, a subscription is already in your existing pet business and just waiting for you to build it.

Back in 2013, I discovered recurring revenue models and was encouraged by my business coach to convert my doggy daycare pass to a monthly membership. With the pass, my customers picked the package they wanted, getting a discount per day the more they bought up front. That was great for them, but bad for the business because the pass never expired. People could use them whenever they wanted. Stretching the time out sometimes weeks, even months.

Video: How to Host a Titer Testing Clinic at Your Pet Business

Video: How to Host a Titer Testing Clinic at Your Pet Business

PETS+ Book Club: Watch Dr. Conor Brady Discuss “Feeding Dogs”

PETS+ Book Club: Watch Dr. Conor Brady Discuss “Feeding Dogs”

Video: Trace’s Store School: How to Build Community — and Grow Revenue — with Other Businesses
Trace's Store School

Video: Trace’s Store School: How to Build Community — and Grow Revenue — with Other Businesses

I was resistant to a monthly subscription model. I was nervous I’d upset customers and drive them to competitors. In a monthly membership, they would still get a better deal the more they bought, but the package would reset each month.

Well, I was wrong. With the right messaging and tailored one-on-one conversations, we were able to successfully pivot, resulting in an extra $200k that year. We didn’t lose a single customer! Plus, we increased their frequency, which was better for the dogs and pack dynamic. This revenue boost allowed us to make necessary facility renovations and to hire even more qualified team members.

You have a subscription model somewhere in your business. Think about how you can get customers to purchase what they love more frequently or with a better experience. You get “bonus points” for also increasing convenience: You can set up payments weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. My favorite is monthly.

There are many types of subscription models out there, but after working with hundreds of pet businesses, I’ve defined three to be the most successful for them:

The Gym Model

Just like the gym, you can set a flat rate or multiple levels for gaining access to your facility. Some of the most popular are daycare and boarding memberships, all access to training classes and/or events, a self-wash club or a grooming/bath club. Set the price, sign them up and give them access.

The Swag Model

This is a monthly product delivery. It might be a surprise what they get, where they pay a flat rate and you surprise and delight them. Or it can be merchandise they are expecting like raw/chews/biscuits, a treat of the month … the ideas are endless!

The Education Model

Bring customers together through subject matter. Maybe it’s dog training, canine or feline nutrition, avian care, DIY grooming, herbal remedies or practically any other topic. Bring them together through online classes, Facebook Live or a Facebook group for a monthly access fee.

Each of these models allows for my two favorite things to happen: community and connection. Local pet businesses are lifelines to creating thriving communities. You can leave a legacy that goes beyond your business. A membership model will make that possibility even stronger and more profitable for your business.

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Pivot and Rebuild for the Ultimate End Goal: Selling Your Pet Business Sun, 10 May 2020 04:04:01 +0000 The life of an entrepreneur is a fast-paced roller coaster...

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SMALL BUSINESSES ARE facing incredible challenges because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some are working longer and faster than ever to keep up. Others have closed due to a lack of demand or after having been deemed “non-essential.” In the pet industry, there are polar opposites in many of the segments, and there is still a lot of uncertainty ahead.

Back in 2005, when I was 26, I sold my first company, a small canine bakery, and made $10,000. In my mind, I was rich. I used my “fortune” to get started on Dogaholics, a multi-unit, brick-and-mortar business in Chicago. In 2015, I sold the retail assets to Bentley’s Pet Stuff, allowing me to get out of bank, credit card and distributor debt, and to build up a business savings account. After 10 years in business, I still never had a business savings account to bail me out … can you relate?

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MasterClass: Redefining Retail as Slow Retail

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Leadership, Empathy, and a Noble Cause

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Sponsored Webinars

Shop! Masterclass Webinar: Sustainability for Retail: How Retailers Create Social, Environmental and Cultural Innovations

This past March, I was honored to sell the rest of Dogaholics to Destination Pet. This decision was not made lightly, and we both spent considerable time exploring the decision to ensure that the sale was the right for my team and me. I never would have thought that my dive bar of a doggy daycare, that sucked the life out of me at times and almost made me homeless (twice), would have set me up for retirement, but it has.

Here’s what I know. While I literally dodged this pandemic as the owner of a consumer-facing small business, I fully understand that the life of an entrepreneur is a fast-paced roller coaster. The dramatic rise to the top and finally feeling like you have it all figured out, only to start falling down again, and in some cases (especially now) losing everything you’ve built. The twisting and turning causing only chaos, and not an opportunity to see what just happened. That was my life over the last 15 years, more down than it was up. I will say this: The more I learned to manage the “amusement park” and not be the guest on rides, the more I was setting myself up to ride it out and survive.

No matter if it was scaling too quickly and not being a good leader, getting into debt to the tune of $400,000 or having an employee steal $40K from me, dealing with workers comp cases, the rise of the internet and the beginning of Chewy, or the canine flu that hit Chicago in 2015 and almost bankrupted me, I know the strong survive. I’m not talking about strong financially. I’m talking about strong mentally. Your business will have to pivot. You will need to evolve and think outside of the box.

When faced with a crisis, Dan Sullivan, co-founder of The Strategic Coach, developed these success strategies on how to respond to Scary Times.

  • Forget about yourself; focus on others
  • Forget about your commodity; focus on your relationships
  • Forget about the sale; focus on creating value
  • Forget about your losses; focus on your opportunities
  • Forget about your difficulties; focus on your progress
  • Forget about the future; focus on today
  • Forget about who you were; focus on who you can be
  • Forget about events; focus on your response
  • Forget about what’s missing; focus on what is available
  • Forget about your complaints; focus on your gratitude

Having been through my own battles (I just aired all of my dirty laundry above), I know this: You will survive 2020. This will make you stronger as an entrepreneur, as a leader and as a human being. You will rebuild again and someday, you’ll be ready to sell your business, too.

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3 Key Mindset Shifts to Prepare For and Buy at Trade Shows Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:12:34 +0000 It all starts by looking at your inventory.

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WHETHER YOU’RE GOING to Global Pet Expo this month or another buying show this year, in this article I’m going to help you “work it” on the trade show floor, and it all starts by looking at your inventory.

Your store is not a museum. You must move merchandise before it celebrates a birthday with you. But I know you hate giving discounts and don’t want to train your customers to buy only when you’re running a sale, so let’s untrain that motivator for them by having lots of great merchandise they do want to buy at full price!

Bring in the Independent Brands

So many retailers like to get all or most of their products from distributors because it’s easier … fewer invoices to reconcile, fewer mess-ups to handle, fewer people to have to talk to. However, what happens is you start to look like every other store in town and like the big boxes, too. It’s OK to have some items that are your “eggs, bread and milk”-type best-selling basics, but the majority of your items should make you look and feel unique. You opened a retail store. Part of being in retail is hunting for products that your customers will think are fresh and new. Stop waiting for the next best thing to be pitched to you by a sales rep or an email, and go discover what you know your customers will love. And remember, it’s OK if they don’t have a distributor.

Every Item Has to Pull Its Weight

Will it compete with another product on your shelf? Will it cause you to be over assorted in that category? Will it move out fast or slow? Does it require lots of explanation? All important questions to answer before you invest and place an order of new items. On the flip side, look at your current inventory: If an item or category isn’t selling through every 90-120 days, consider getting rid of it and trying something your customers will like better. Analyze this before you go to the show by paying close attention to what your customers have actually purchased in the past (not just told you they like), and buy more merchandise like that. Maybe you’ll find opportunities for things that flew out the door that could develop into larger or new sections in your shop.

Negotiate with Vendors

While you’re walking the miles of aisles, and looking at some of the show specials — which are definitely not as deep as they used to be — don’t pass up the opportunity to ask for additional discounts. This is the perfect time, when you are face-to-face with your vendors, to ask for better prices on their products — permanently.

So, make sure you’re talking with the right person, the one with the authority to give you improved pricing. Have margin goals for the department or store and negotiate with that goal in mind. Ask everyone. Make asking for discounted pricing part of your conversation with every vendor. Don’t assume some are too big, or too small, to negotiate with. You never know until you ask, and the worst they can do is say, “No.”

I’ve been in your shoes … no matter if you are just buying until your credit cards are maxed out, or if you’ve got your sales figures and vendor data at your fingertips. Both can make a show exciting, but it’s definitely more powerful when you can leverage what you learn, what you do and who you talk to at a show all year round.

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10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Ensure Perfect Vision for Your Pet Business Mon, 30 Dec 2019 05:02:32 +0000 Because authenticity counts.

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IT’S THE BEGINNING of a new year, so you’ve probably been bombarded with media and people talking about your vision and goals. Especially since it’s “2020.” Get it? 20/20. Perfect vision?

I’m not sure that in business a vision can be “perfect” because we never know what roadblocks lay ahead and what pivots we will make. But having a clear vision will motivate your team, inspire you and your customers, and help you make decisions as you scale your business. I’m here to tell you that finding your authenticity is critical to your vision being a success.

Video: How to Host a Titer Testing Clinic at Your Pet Business

Video: How to Host a Titer Testing Clinic at Your Pet Business

PETS+ Book Club: Watch Dr. Conor Brady Discuss “Feeding Dogs”

PETS+ Book Club: Watch Dr. Conor Brady Discuss “Feeding Dogs”

Video: Trace’s Store School: How to Build Community — and Grow Revenue — with Other Businesses
Trace's Store School

Video: Trace’s Store School: How to Build Community — and Grow Revenue — with Other Businesses defines the word “authentic” as:

  • Not false or copied; genuine; real
  • Having an origin supported by unquestionable evidence; authenticated; verified
  • Representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified

Authenticity has never been more important than it is in today’s hyper-connected world where your customer’s voice is louder and more influential than ever. You’ve likely experienced that to be true with reviews, customer comments in your store and how they act on social media.

There’s something very special at the core of what you do. While many can carry the same products or offer the same services at similar price points in a similar neighborhood with a look and feel that mirrors yours, no one can effectively copycat an authentic business self.

Answer these questions to ensure you’re interweaving authenticity into your business:

  1. Are you always “real”? And honest with your customers, team and vendors?
  2. What makes your company memorable?
  3. What’s one thing you could change/enhance/feature that would make your company more memorable?
  4. How do you make people feel?
  5. What unique traits/skills/talents do you personally contribute to your company?
  6. Are you consistent in your customers experience?
  7. Are you responsive?
  8. Can you back up why you carry what you do? Or back up why you hire who you do? Or why you run your business the way you do?
  9. What are three key words that would describe who you truly are? Can you incorporate them into your business more?
  10. Have you gotten clear on who you serve? Not every pet owner is your customer!

Customer trust is never bought but earned. Their B.S. meter is strong. The more you can convey your company values and beliefs as well as live all of the questions above, your bigger picture vision for your company will come to life! As Maya Angelou said “People may forget what you said, but they will not forget how you made them feel.” Authenticity will carry your vision a long, long way.

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Boost Staff Morale with These 3 Holiday Sales Games Wed, 06 Nov 2019 11:34:57 +0000 It’s important to first identify what your goal is.

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WHEN I WAS running my own pet retail boutique, I found that as the busy days of December rolled on, our team would become more and more run down. Every day gets longer and longer. It becomes harder and harder to keep the team motivated. I needed to find a solution, and I discovered that one of the best ways to perk up everyone was to play games.

Using “gamification” in your business is a really hot trend right now because it creates engagement, connection and results.

Video: How to Host a Titer Testing Clinic at Your Pet Business

Video: How to Host a Titer Testing Clinic at Your Pet Business

PETS+ Book Club: Watch Dr. Conor Brady Discuss “Feeding Dogs”

PETS+ Book Club: Watch Dr. Conor Brady Discuss “Feeding Dogs”

Video: Trace’s Store School: How to Build Community — and Grow Revenue — with Other Businesses
Trace's Store School

Video: Trace’s Store School: How to Build Community — and Grow Revenue — with Other Businesses

When it comes to using games as a tool in business, it’s important to first identify what your goal is. Perhaps it’s to move out your holiday-specific merchandise. Maybe it’s to ensure that all the new customers coming in are being added to your database. Or you want to get the team to add on one more item over $10 to each sale. Whatever it is, make sure you pick a specific purpose for your game. Play the game only for up to one week. Games that last longer tend to lose their magic. You can play multiple games throughout the month, too. At my store, we had a different four-day game that would run every Thursday through Sunday. Each game’s tactics were different, and each game’s purpose was different.

Here are a few of my favorite games to play to help you sell more stuff, motivate the team and keep that register ringing to make the most of December.

The Dollar Tree

Tape fake dollar bills on a wall in the shape of a Christmas tree. Encourage your team to ask each customer: “Does your pet have a present under the tree this year?” If the customer says, “No” (or even yes) and that question leads them to purchase a toy, then that team member gets to pull a fake dollar from the tree. At the end of your game, they get to turn their fake dollars into you for real dollars.

Staff Santa Sack

Every time you beat your daily sales goal, each person who worked the floor gets to pull a card from the Staff Santa Sack. The sack can be filled with notecards or something similar, each with a reward, gift or surprise written on it. They can turn their cards into you whenever they want during the months of January or February. The rewards could have ideas like, “Skip my turn to clean the bathroom,” “Go to Lunch with the Boss,” “Pick one item from the store under $20,” “Get a 30-minute paid break.”

Staff Bingo

Play Bingo! Make your own bingo board by filling in the boxes with product names, tasks or questions instead of the typical bingo number. Keep them all the same or make a variety of boards. Hand them out to your team and have them try to get bingo in order to move toward your objective. When they have a completed board, they get a prize.

These are just a few examples of games you could play with your team to keep things interesting and to increase your sales at the same time. If you give one a try, make sure to share your results with PETS+.

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Purposeful Outreach: How to Segment Your Customer List and Communicate with a Purpose Wed, 09 Oct 2019 04:03:41 +0000 The best emails, text messages, direct mailers and thank-you cards are relevant to the recipient and timely.

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MY LAST TWO COLUMNS covered why collecting customer information was so important, what you should collect and then ways in which you could encourage your customers to give their information to you. Now that you have your list, it’s time to communicate with them in a purposeful way that adds value. The best emails, text messages, direct mailers, thank-you cards are relevant to the recipient and timely. So how do you do that?

The first step is ensuring that your list is segmented, meaning that all your contacts are in the appropriate categories/lists. You can mark your customers with “tags” or custom fields inside your software (based on recommendations I covered previously — check out past columns here:

Podcast: Marketing Pro Giselle Ugarte on Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Pet Business
Behind the Pages

Podcast: Marketing Pro Giselle Ugarte on Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Pet Business

Podcast: Get Social with Jennifer Kirk of Posh Puppy Boutique and Vanderpump Dog Foundation
Behind the Pages

Podcast: Get Social with Jennifer Kirk of Posh Puppy Boutique and Vanderpump Dog Foundation

Podcast: Should You Carry Poop Bags Featuring the Faces of Donald Trump and Joe Biden?
Behind the Pages

Podcast: Should You Carry Poop Bags Featuring the Faces of Donald Trump and Joe Biden?

Segmenting will allow you to send relevant information to customers. Wouldn’t it be better for a cat customer to get a cat-related email from your business instead of hearing about a dog mom event? If the cat customer hears only about dogs, they will stop opening your emails or paying attention to your marketing.

Segmenting takes effort on your part, but once you get a system down, it will become easy for you to send the right message to your customers.

Now that you have them segmented to send relevant information, it’s important to send consistent and timely communication.

Here are a bunch of reasons to communicate with your customers:

  • Newsletter (monthly, weekly, bi-weekly)
  • Welcome to “Business Name Family”/Story behind business
  • New client/onboarding
  • Reminders
  • Promotions
  • Re-engagement for customers you haven’t seen in a while
  • Abandoned carts for online stores
  • Milestone emails
  • Special offers
  • Surveys or other request

And here’s a list of things you could share in those communications:

  • Celebrations
  • Announcements
  • Customer and team highlights
  • New products and benefits of others
  • Breaking news/recalls
  • Vendor stories
  • Your stories
  • Events
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Do’s and Don’ts

So, now you’re building your list. You know why you should be communicating with customers and what to talk about. Now it’s about being consistent in your communication. Come up with a plan to communicate at least weekly with your customers — whether it’s to the whole group or targeted segments of your list.

Sending relevant info is key. The right message must reach the right people. The most important thing about your communication is to communicate with purpose. The purpose of your communication will allow you to ensure you’re driving important and interesting communication that still supports your business.

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8 Ways to Collect New and Existing Customer Information Wed, 25 Sep 2019 04:01:02 +0000 Incentivize new and existing customers to give you more of their information.

The post 8 Ways to Collect <em>New</em> and Existing Customer Information appeared first on PETSPLUSMAG.COM.

LAST MONTH, I SHARED with you why collecting customer information is critical to your success. Now that you know what you want to collect from your customers, I’m focusing here on how you can incentivize new and existing customers to give you more of their information. In this three-part series, I’ll help you move from sending a random monthly mass email newsletter to truly building an engaged and active customer base. This not only means having your customers’ information, but collecting information as much as possible so you can keep growing your business!

Podcast: Marketing Pro Giselle Ugarte on Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Pet Business
Behind the Pages

Podcast: Marketing Pro Giselle Ugarte on Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Pet Business

Podcast: Get Social with Jennifer Kirk of Posh Puppy Boutique and Vanderpump Dog Foundation
Behind the Pages

Podcast: Get Social with Jennifer Kirk of Posh Puppy Boutique and Vanderpump Dog Foundation

Podcast: Should You Carry Poop Bags Featuring the Faces of Donald Trump and Joe Biden?
Behind the Pages

Podcast: Should You Carry Poop Bags Featuring the Faces of Donald Trump and Joe Biden?

The most obvious example of where/when to collect their information is at the register and/or the time of purchase. (P.S. This should be a non-negotiable standard for your team when ringing people up). Here are eight alternatives to getting oh so much more information:

1. Require people to register in advance for your events. Google Forms is free and provides a link for you to share on social media or in emails for easy online signup. Eventbrite is also a fabulous tool since you can charge for the event, allow people to attend for free, and you can even ask for a donation! Some of the CRM platforms from July/August 2019 issue will allow you to build landing pages that integrate with their software, as well.

2. Do a raffle. Make sure you have each participant’s cellphone, email and address. An idea for this would be to do an online “getting to know your customers” contest on social media. Have them fill out a survey (all their info), and they get entered to win a gift card for the store.

3. Create an “opt-in” to use in a variety of places. Share it on your business cards, social media, website, emails, videos. An opt-in is when you give something away of value in exchange for your customers’ information. This can be a 10 best tips PDF, an educational video, a gift certificate — the options are endless!

4. Implement a texting service. A texting platform will help you automate the opt-in process in a wide range of places. Use your short text in keyword to get people to join a VIP Club, use it events for easy signup, add it to signage in your store and call it out on Facebook Live videos.

5. Utilize surveys, contests, polls and competitions., Survey Monkey, Google Forms, Rafflecopter and Poll-maker are among a few websites that allow you to create these for distribution as well as capturing the data you want.

6. Do a pop-up ad on your website that asks anyone visiting to fill out a brief survey for an instant 10 percent off sent to their email upon completion.

7. Offer a “whatever you can fit in [this box] in 5 minutes is yours” shopping spree giveaway on a Facebook Live video. Or if that’s too much of an expense, do a surprise grab-bag giveaway. Fill a box with whatever you want, cover/wrap it up and tell people it can be all theirs if they enter! Really talk up the goodies in there, saying they can have enough gifts and goodies for the next six months! Include a link where they can register to win.

8. Offer a coupon on their next purchase if they leave an online review of their experience. Platforms like Nextpaw + Broadly can help make this easier.

Last month, you learned why it’s important to collect customer info and what you should collect and track ( And now, you have ideas to incentivize new people and current customers to opt-in. I’ll share with you ways to best communicate on a regular basis in the last installment of this three-part series in the October issue. Because aside from sending regular newsletter emails, there are lots of strategies to building raving fans who support your business!

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The Basic Stats You Need From Every Customer Wed, 24 Jul 2019 04:04:58 +0000 You’re missing out if you don’t collect customer data. Here’s what you should be asking for.

The post The Basic Stats You Need From Every Customer appeared first on PETSPLUSMAG.COM.

IF YOU ARE not collecting your customer’s information, you are missing a huge opportunity.

One of the main reasons is so you can send something in the mail to customers. I know: You’re already thinking mail is dead. However, sends lots and lots of mail. Not just direct-mail flyers, but handwritten thank-you cards, complete with the pet’s name and the product purchased! It shows the customer that they matter to the company and that Chewy cares about them. How do you show your customers you care?

Video: How to Host a Titer Testing Clinic at Your Pet Business

Video: How to Host a Titer Testing Clinic at Your Pet Business

PETS+ Book Club: Watch Dr. Conor Brady Discuss “Feeding Dogs”

PETS+ Book Club: Watch Dr. Conor Brady Discuss “Feeding Dogs”

Video: Trace’s Store School: How to Build Community — and Grow Revenue — with Other Businesses
Trace's Store School

Video: Trace’s Store School: How to Build Community — and Grow Revenue — with Other Businesses

If you wanted to do something special for a customer, do you have enough information about them? Could you pick up the phone to inform them of a recall? Could you mail them a card congratulating them on their wedding? Could you remind them that their pet’s birthday is just around the corner?

Your list is everything. Think about how pet sitters, dog walkers, sales reps and mobile groomers have all of their clients’ information in a database. That’s like gold to them. They know every last detail about the pets and their owners. Now, apply this to retail, groomers, trainers and day cares, and think how these businesses can benefit as well from having their own thorough customer list and database.

Consider if you decide to move locations, or sell the business. You’ll want everyone to know about your move, or that a new owner is taking over and encourage their continued support and thank them for their years of business.

Here’s the information I believe you should collect from your customers and how you should tag them in your system/identify them so you can communicate with them based on their needs.

  • Full Name
  • Spouse’s / Partner’s Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Cell Phone
  • Pet’s Names and Birthdays
  • Customer’s Birthday
  • Dog, Cat, Fish, Horse or Bird Owner
  • Breed of Dog, Cat, Bird, Etc.
  • Puppy vs. Senior Pet
  • Pet Gender
  • Multiple Pet Family
  • New Pet Owner
  • Loyalty Program Users or Frequent Buyer Food Program Users
  • Event Attendance
  • Participate in Training Classes
  • Grooming Customers
  • Top Customers (25 Percent Customers)

Having this kind of data about your customer is key. The online stores have it and use it. So should you. You will impress your customers when you’re ringing them up and you ask about their pet by name, or mention an upcoming birthday. It is a step above and beyond that shows you care.

Along with this process comes having a Customer Relationship Management — or CRM — system in place to easily insert the above information, utilize your customer segmentation, pull sales reports, send emails and so on. A good point-of-sale system should allow you to track all this information right in your system, then you can export that information and load it into one of these systems, which have all kinds of relevant strategies that you could use. Of course, there’s Mailchimp and Constant Contact, but there is also Zoho, Hubspot, Salesforce, Insightly and FreshSales.

Get started immediately, even if you just use an Excel sheet. Every person you meet in person (or even online) is a potential customer, and you should grab the information that you can! In September’s PETS+, I’ll share creative ways to get this information, so stay tuned!

The post The Basic Stats You Need From Every Customer appeared first on PETSPLUSMAG.COM.

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