1 Mobile service providers: Offer fast and easy HOLIDAY PICS to your clients like Lucky Dogs in Skaneateles, NY, does. The store’s Bubble Bus groomers take pics of freshly groomed pups and use the Photoroom app to swap the background for a holiday one, like the one shown above. The app costs $97 a year, which easily pays for itself in goodwill and marketing. Stores can do this, too, expanding their photos with holiday offerings outside of in-store events.
2 It’s CYBER MONDAY, the perfect day to host flash sales on your social media and website. Consider “discounting” sales of services in addition to products, such as offering five free days for clients who purchase 30 days. Natalie Kramer of Albany Pet Hotel in Albany, OR, has done this and seen a big boost to revenue that day and overall for the month.
4 & 15 This month brings multiple opportunities to push your holiday baked goods. In particular, NATIONAL COOKIE DAY falls on Dec. 4 and NATIONAL CUPCAKE DAY on the 15th. Whatever you do, score extra points with the humans by having people-friendly treats as well.
13 Kick off your 12 DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS promotions on this day to end on Christmas Eve. Partner with a favorite brand like Four Muddy Paws in St. Louis, MO, did last year during its 12 Days of Delights, offering Primal Goat Milk quarts for $3 each. Both locations sold out and saw a nice surge in shoppers looking for great deals in addition to holiday gifts.
18 It’s ANSWER THE TELEPHONE LIKE BUDDY THE ELF DAY! Take the traditional route and say, “Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?” Or opt for a favorite quote from the movie. We like, “I’m singing! I’m in a store, and I’m singing!” and “So good news, I saw a dog today.” Be prepared to explain yourself quickly to those without your excellent taste in Christmas movies.
20 Celebrate NATIONAL UNDERDOG DAY all month with a charitable effort that helps disadvantaged pets. Your fellow indies are full of great ideas in this area: Sweet Paws Bakery in Gainesville, FL, puts up an Angel Tree decorated with cards featuring a homeless pet and their wish list; customers who purchase a product for donation get a 10% discount as a thank you. Many businesses also donate proceeds from their holiday photo shoots to local rescues.
25 Kick off eight days of HANUKKAH gifting with suggestions on your socials and in an eblast. They need not all be Hanukkah themed, but there are certainly enough options between toys, treats and accessories to be inclusive of your Jewish customers on this first day of the celebration.
1 Forget WALK YOUR DOG MONTH. Instead, hype up WALK YOUR PET MONTH! Doing so will allow you to celebrate all animals who like to go on adventures with their people. Not a full-line store? Bring in cat harnesses, at the minimum, and offer to special order gear for other species. Birds and reptiles love to take a stroll! If any of you host a meetup or group walk, pretty please take photos to share with PETS+.

2 & 28 Educate your customers and outfit the dogs, cats and other animals who vacation with them on NATIONAL PET TRAVEL SAFETY DAY Jan. 2 and on PLAN A VACATION DAY Jan. 28. A display could include a variety of products, among them shelf-stable food, treats, and helpful supplements (think: pumpkin pouches and CBD) in convenient packaging and sizes; a first-aid kit with recommended supplies; carriers, crates and travel beds; harnesses and leashes; travel bowls and bottles; plus anything else a pet might need when away from home.
26 It’s NATIONAL FUN AT WORK DAY, so have exactly that! Brainstorm with your team what they would enjoy most, but make sure whatever you do happens in full view of your current and potential customers in person and on social media. How could a pet parent not want to do business with an employer who values joy in the workplace?
1 National Cat Lover’s Month
2 National Mutt Day
3 GivingTuesday
12 Gingerbread House Day
15 Cat Herders Day
18 National Twins Day
20 National Ugly Sweater Day
24 National Eggnog Day
30 National Bacon Day
1 National Train Your Dog Month
1 Adopt a Rescued Bird Month
2 Happy Mew Year for Cats Day
16 Get to Know Your Customers Day
21 Squirrel Appreciation Day
22 National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
24 National Peanut Butter Day