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Manager's To Do

Treat Your Team to Lunch, Prep for Icy Roads and More To-Do’s for December and January

Add these smart management tasks to your to-do list.




Dec. 1-7

OPERATIONS If you haven’t had to already, refresh your procedures for this season’s freezing weather. Molly Lewis of Dog River Pet Supplies in Hood River, OR, says, “We brace ourselves for winter. January weather is awful. Getting to the store and keeping it open is our biggest task.” In December, “We check in with employees and talk about who can safely get to the store when roads are icy.”

INVENTORY Looking for a way to move product nearing its sell-by date? “I use products going out soon to make holiday packages, like stuffed stockings,” Taylor England of EarthWise Pet Lake Nona in Orlando, FL, shares. Jennifer Hall of All Things Pawssible in Charlottesville, VA, also bundles these items during the holidays. “It’s a great way to clear out inventory!”

Dec. 8-14

PRICING Service price increases for the following year are best introduced well before January, and reminders should go out in December. This helps ensure that customers budget accordingly for the next month and next year.


Dec. 15-21

MANAGEMENT Keep your team fueled and festive! One way: Follow the lead of Krista Schmidt of St PetersBARK! in St. Petersburg, FL, who advises, “Provide lunch the entire week before Christmas. And rotate team members on the register.”

Dec. 22-28

INVENTORY Theresa Sexton of For Healthy Pets in Wetumpka, AL, has the right idea when it comes to closing out the year: “We will have our annual ‘We Don’t Want to Count It Sale’ at the end of December.” For products that don’t sell or you’re discontinuing, do like Morgan Monty of The Cheshire Horse in Swanzey, NH, “We do several large donations, as well, to help clean out the slower-moving or closer-to-date inventory. We have several organizations near us that love getting those items. This makes year-end inventory simpler and provides a fresh start to the new year!”

Dec. 29-Jan. 4

FINANCES Take stock of your subscriptions as the new year begins. Certain credit card companies and budgeting tools help you find recurring charges and cancel those you no longer need.

STRATEGY If you’ve typically set long-term business goals quarterly or monthly, try something different this year: six-week project goals. You might find that having more or less time to achieve these goals makes them feel more attainable and keeps you on track.

Jan. 5-11

SOCIAL MEDIA Influencers can be a helpful bunch. While most target consumers with their content, they also can alert you to new products, ones your customers might come in asking about. Even if a product doesn’t meet your high standards, it gives you an opportunity to explain why and offer an alternative that does. “I follow lots of Instagram and TikTok trends and order some products promoted there,” Natalya Schilling of Pets on Brady in Milwaukee, WI, says.


Jan. 12-18

OPERATIONS Do you play music for customers on hold? Switch to a customized message just for your customers, one that promotes your current specials and upcoming events. Throw in a bark or meow from your store pet to make it even more fun.

STORE DESIGN Review your business’s decompression zone, those first few feet inside the front door. Customers here are prone to distractions, which is why you should try to keep the area simple and uncluttered. In addition, greeting customers makes them more aware of their surroundings and helps them focus.

Jan. 19-25

CRM Offer mini bonuses tied to enrolling customers in your loyalty program. After the holidays, team members will appreciate the opportunity to earn $1 or $2 for every sign-up that puts a customer’s name, email address and pet’s birthday or gotcha day into your system.

Photo courtesy of Treats on a Leash.

Jan. 26-Feb. 1

CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE How do you wish customer pets a happy birthday? Follow the lead of Treats on a Leash in Ames, IA, which combines a happy birthday message with a gift and incentive to shop at the store. While emails don’t require a stamp, who doesn’t love the more personal touch of getting a hand-written card, like the one above, in the mail.



P.L.A.Y. Media Spotlight

At P.L.A.Y. — Pet Lifestyle & You — toy design is definitely a team effort! Watch PETS+ interviewer Chloe DiVita and P.L.A.Y.’s Director of Sales Lisa Hisamune as they talk about the toy design process, the fine-tuning that makes each toy so special and why every P.L.A.Y. collection is made with independent retailers top of mind.

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