COVID-19 Latest News and Features - PETSPLUSMAG.COM News and advice for the American pet store and service business owner Tue, 14 Dec 2021 02:20:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 COVID-19 Latest News and Features - PETSPLUSMAG.COM 32 32 Pandemic Pushes US Pet Spending to $83.74B Mon, 13 Dec 2021 05:04:21 +0000 The pet food and veterinary segments grew significantly.

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Total pet spending in the U.S. hit $83.74 billion in 2020, up 6.8 percent from the year before, according to a new report from John Gibbons, the Pet Business Professor.

The biggest driver of growth was the COVID-19 pandemic, he explains.

“Pet Parents focused on necessities and binge bought Pet Food in the 1st half of the year,” he writes in a blog entry. “In the 2nd half they turned their attention to the other necessary segment – Veterinary.”

Two segments that are more discretionary — supplies and services — suffered.

Here’s the breakdown segments:

  • $5.65 billion (+18.1 percent) increase in food
  • $1.65 billion (-9.8 percent) decrease in supplies
  • $3.05 billion (+14.0 percent) increase in veterinary
  • $1.73 billion (-20.1 percent) decrease in services

Read the full report here.

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First US Owner-to-Pet COVID-19 Transmission Reported Tue, 02 Nov 2021 04:04:56 +0000 The study included genomic sequencing of the virus from both pet and human samples.

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(PRESS RELEASE) FLAGSTAFF, AZ — For the first time in the U.S., the transmission of COVID-19 from pet parent to pet is documented genetically as part of a study by the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), an affiliate of City of Hope.

The published findings from the ongoing study appear in the journal One Health. This is one of five pilot studies nationwide examining COVID in animals. The TGen study, however, is the only one to include genomic sequencing of the virus from both pet and human samples. This level of testing resulted from TGen’s overall efforts to monitor the virus and its potentially more-dangerous variants by sequencing as many positive human samples of the virus as possible.

TGen’s COVID animal study is conducted under a grant from the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS). As with the other pilot studies, the funds come from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in coordination with the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE).

In the Arizona case study, the pet owner, cat and dog all were infected with the identical strain of coronavirus: B.1.575, an early and unremarkable version of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID. Fewer than 25 documented cases exist of Arizonans infected with this strain, according to information drawn from the COVID variant tracking dashboard that TGen maintains for the CDC and ADHS. To date, more than 46,000 positive samples of Arizonans with COVID have been sequenced.

“This case study was the first example we had from the project that demonstrated the likelihood of virus transmission from a pet owner to animals in the household,” said Hayley Yaglom, a TGen Epidemiologist and lead author of the study.

Researchers deduced that the virus spread from the pet parent to either the dog or cat, or both. The animals were confined to an apartment and therefore had little-to-no opportunity to be exposed to the virus, and so it was highly unlikely that the pets infected their owner. Plus, in each case examined in the study, it was the pet parent who exhibited COVID first. Worldwide, there is no documented case of COVID transmission from a pet to its pet parent.

Researchers were unable to tell if the dog or cat were infected first, or if one infected the other, though that is a possibility. This particular dog and cat were buddies who had close contact with each other, researchers said.

Steps Owners Should Take to Protect Pets

Yaglom said pet owners should protect their pets by getting vaccinated. If they do get COVID, they should wear masks when they are around their pets. As difficult as it might be for many pet owners, they should avoid cuddling, kissing, allowing pets to lick their faces, or sleeping with them.

Owners don’t have to completely isolate from their pets, Yaglom said, but they should minimize contact “as best they can” while they exhibit COVID symptoms.

In the case study, the pet parent was not yet vaccinated, took little precaution to protect his cat and dog, and entertained guests who were not vaccinated. The owner recovered from COVID, and both his pets were asymptomatic.

Including this case study, Arizona researchers tested 61 pets — 39 dogs and 22 cats — living in 24 households. There were 14 positive cases of COVID in pets among six of the households.

The study will continue through the rest of 2021, and would continue into 2022 if researchers obtain additional funding, which would allow them to continue education and outreach efforts, bolstering active surveillance of the virus.

More Study Subjects Needed

Dog and cat owners who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past two weeks are eligible to participate in the study. The tests are free. Owners must be at least 18, provide consent and fill out a questionnaire. The pet must be vaccinated against rabies, mainly housed indoors, and tolerant of the handling and restraint necessary for routine veterinary care. A veterinarian is present when samples are taken. No animals are harmed in the course of this study.

Pet owners must wear masks during sample collection, and project staff will wear masks and gloves. Spanish-speaking staff will be available, as needed. Pet owners will be notified of test results within 3-4 weeks. For pets that test positive, owners may be asked to enable collection of additional samples. Positive tests will be reported to the Arizona State Veterinarian and ADHS.

About TGen, an Affiliate of City of Hope

Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) is a Phoenix, Arizona-based nonprofit organization dedicated to conducting groundbreaking research with life-changing results. TGen is affiliated with City of Hope, a world-renowned independent research and treatment center for cancer, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases:  This precision medicine affiliation enables both institutes to complement each other in research and patient care, with City of Hope providing a significant clinical setting to advance scientific discoveries made by TGen. TGen is focused on helping patients with neurological disorders, cancer, diabetes and infectious diseases through cutting-edge translational research (the process of rapidly moving research toward patient benefit). TGen physicians and scientists work to unravel the genetic components of both common and complex rare diseases in adults and children. Working with collaborators in the scientific and medical communities worldwide, TGen makes a substantial contribution to help our patients through efficiency and effectiveness of the translational process. For more information, visit: Follow TGen on FacebookLinkedIn and Twitter @TGen.

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Retailers’ Plea to Biden: Give Us Time for Vaccine Mandate Tue, 28 Sep 2021 04:09:13 +0000 Joint letter from retail groups also raised a list of questions.

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Two retail advocacy groups have asked the Biden administration for 90 days before the implementation of a new mandate that requires workers at large companies to be vaccinated against Covid-19 or submit to weekly testing.

In a joint letter, the National Retail Federation and the Retail Industry Leaders Association requested the three-month timeline “to allow retailers and other employers to create the systems necessary” for compliance.

The letter also raised questions about potential difficulties that retailers could encounter. Those issues include how employers will track compliance, what remedial actions can be taken against those who refuse vaccinations and testing, and how the mandate applies to those who claim religious- or health-based exemptions.

Read the full letter here.

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As Masks Return, Retailers Ask for Respect Tue, 27 Jul 2021 04:04:52 +0000 Major retailers could soon bring back mask requirements.

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As the delta variant of COVID-19 spreads, masks are making a comeback. And one retail trade group is asking customers for a little understanding.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “is now recommending that people vaccinated against the coronavirus start wearing masks indoors again in areas with high transmission rates,” USA Today reports.

That raises the possibility that major retailers could bring back mask requirements, though they have not done so yet. The CDC in May stated that fully vaccinated people did not need to wear masks, and national retailers altered their policies accordingly.


Brian Dodge, president of the Retail Industry Leaders Association, said in a statement Tuesday:

Throughout the pandemic, keeping employees, customers and communities safe has been the guiding principle for retailers as we’ve found ways to keep stores open and safely serve our customers.

As the virus changes, variants spread, and vaccine hesitancy in some populations continues, retailers understand that CDC guidance may evolve and masks may be necessary again in some circumstances. We ask customers to be mindful of the guidance provided by local retailers, and that they respect employees and their fellow customers who may continue to wear masks for the safety of themselves and their family.

The best defense against the virus is getting more people vaccinated. Leading retailers are working diligently to help vaccinate Americans and are providing paid leave and other benefits to reduce any barriers for employees to be vaccinated. We salute the doctors and nurses who continue to valiantly battle this disease, and we continue to encourage all eligible individuals to get the vaccine so that we can collectively beat this virus.

Among RILA’s members are Target, Walmart, Petco and PetSmart.

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People with COVID-19 Often Give It to Their Pets, Scientists Find Mon, 26 Jul 2021 04:04:54 +0000 And sometimes the animals become sick, too.

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It’s common for pets to acquire COVID-19 from owners who are sick with the infection, scientists have found.

And sometimes the animals become sick, too, Scientific American reports.

Two studies presented at the 2021 European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases looked at the issue. The research has not yet been published in an academic journal.

One study came from the University of Guelph in Ontario and involved 198 cats and 54 dogs. The researchers found that “two out of three cats and two out of five dogs whose owners had COVID had antibodies against SARS-CoV-2,” according to Scientific American.

The other study was led by a scientist at the Utrecht University in the Netherlands and included 156 dogs and 154 cats from households with human COVID-19 patients. According to Scientific American, “animals in one in five of these households had become infected with the virus.”

“The findings are consistent: it’s just not that hard for these animals to get infected,” said veterinary epidemiologist Sarah Hamer, who is working on similar research at Texas A&M University.

Read more at Scientific American

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Study Suggests Humans Can Spread COVID-19 Virus to Cats Mon, 26 Apr 2021 04:04:58 +0000 'It will be important to monitor for human-to-cat, cat-to-cat and cat-to-human transmission.'

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(PRESS RELEASE) New research provides evidence that people have transmitted SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, to cats during the pandemic in the UK.

The study, which is published in Veterinary Record, detected the virus last year in cats that developed mild or severe respiratory disease.

Investigators used a range of laboratory techniques to show that two domestic cats from households with suspected cases of COVID-19 were infected with SARS-CoV-2.

“These findings indicate that human-to-cat transmission of SARS-CoV-2 occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, with the infected cats displaying mild or severe respiratory disease,” said lead author Margaret Hosie, PhD, of the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research. “Given the ability of the coronavirus to infect companion animals, it will be important to monitor for human-to-cat, cat-to-cat and cat-to-human transmission.”

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How Dog Training Has Evolved in the Wake of COVID-19 Tue, 20 Apr 2021 04:01:31 +0000 The pandemic negatively impacted many trainers initially, but now opportunity for growth exists for all.

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THE PANDEMIC has forced most businesses to make changes both big and small, and dog training is no exception. Trainers had to think quickly and nimbly adapt to developing circumstances, sometimes overnight.

Here are some ways dog training has evolved during the pandemic:


Shelter-in-place orders dealt crushing blows to the livelihood of some dog trainers, with federal PPP and EIDL programs the only possible lifeline in sight. For others, the tidal wave of new puppy and dog owners posed its own unique challenge as demand outpaced their capacity to supply.

Many dog trainers quickly realized that dog training needed to move online. Remote training via video conferencing platforms became the primary means of delivering training services to needful clients and their new family members.

At Zoom Room, having provided in-person dog training to more than 200,000 owners and authored the best-selling book, Puppy Training in 7 Easy Steps: Everything You Need to Know to Raise the Perfect Dog, we found that the majority of people taking advantage of online training were new puppy owners. Although these remote sessions paled significantly in comparison to in-person training, puppy clients greatly valued this resource out of sheer necessity.

For independent trainers, going into other people’s homes became essentially impossible. The natural pivot for these solo practitioners was to offer lessons in outdoor spaces. Unfortunately, this naturally introduces the element of countless distractions and inclement weather, all anathema to good training. For puppies, working outdoors is not even an option if they haven’t yet had all of their vaccinations.

Brick-and-Mortar Training Facilities

For brick-and-mortar training facilities, when in-person training was again permitted, clients were eager to participate, but the requirement of face coverings posed new challenges to trainers. Training involves a great deal of speaking, and each trainer had to find just the right mask material that afforded protection while allowing for comfort while breathing.

Additionally, they had to add buffers between classes to allow for extra cleaning, reducing the number of classes that could be offered each day. Many facilities had to also reduce class sizes.

Opportunity for Growth

On the other hand, with demand surging, by enjoying full capacity in every class and extending operating hours, some businesses experienced a sizable increase in revenue during the pandemic.

But we, as an industry, have been fortunate in many ways compared to other sectors. The demand for dog training services has never been higher, and there doesn’t appear to be an end in sight. The Pandemic Puppies of 2020 are now the Determined Dogs of 2021, and their need for training, socialization and enrichment will continue into the foreseeable future.

Dog training providers who were flexible and sufficiently capitalized to weather the storms of 2020 have a bright outlook for the future, accompanied by the deepest level of public appreciation we have ever experienced.

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Pet Industry Leaders Seek to Keep Businesses Open Amid COVID-19 Lockdowns Sun, 13 Dec 2020 05:04:54 +0000 They've drafted a letter to government leaders.

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ALEXANDRIA, VA – An open letter from the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, along with a coalition of pet care community organizations and companies, urges lawmakers to treat pet businesses as “essential” amid any COVID-19 lockdowns.

“With recent nationwide surges in COVID-19 infection rates, along with holiday travel, the coalition anticipates that larger spikes will result that could trigger renewed lockdown orders such as those that were enacted in the spring,” according to a press release from PIJAC.

Mike Bober, president of PIJAC, said: “Earlier this year, thousands in the responsible pet care community spoke up on behalf of pets and pet owners as the COVID-19 pandemic evolved. It is important that we continue to speak as one voice to remind lawmakers that pet care is essential, so that the businesses that serve the needs of America’s 85 million pets are allowed to remain open.”

The new letter recognizes lawmakers’ previous work to designate pet care, including veterinary, boarding and grooming, as essential and urges them to continue to do so with any new restrictions. Pet business representatives who would like to add their name to the letter, which will be provided to select lawmakers at the local, state and federal levels, can access the letter and the form to sign it here.

PIJAC has also created a tracking spreadsheet that provides links to the government closure orders in each state that impact pet businesses.

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More Retail Restrictions Arise Amid COVID-19 Surge Thu, 19 Nov 2020 05:04:44 +0000 Several states have imposed new rules.

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Several states across the U.S. are imposing new restrictions on retailers and other businesses amid a surge in COVID-19 cases.

For example, in Rhode Island, Gov. Gina Raimondo on Thursday announced a “two-week pause” to begin Nov. 30. Among the restrictions, retailers will be limited to one person per 100 square feet or, in the case of big-box stores, one person per 150 square feet.

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PETS+ Sample Box

See What Was Inside the February SUPERZOO Sample Box!

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How Pet Retailers Show Love for Their Customers on Valentine’s Day

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Photo Gallery

Indie Pet Stores Celebrate the Holidays With Santa, the Grinch and Deadpool!

“This is the key to our winter strategy,” Raimondo said. “During this time, we’ll be able to prevent overwhelming our hospital system without the need for a total lockdown.”

Johnna Devereaux of Fetch RI in Richmond, RI, said her initial thought was “that we will have to limit the store to either nine or 10 customers (depending on whether we have two or three employees on).

“It also means that I will need to have an employee on patrol if we near the person limit — having them man the door to keep people from coming in until some have left,” Devereaux said. “Weekends will be tough, but luckily we can use our new outdoor [holiday photo] set to distract people from minding the wait!”

And in Maryland, Gov. Larry Hogan this week announced “immediate actions to prevent overburdening the state’s healthcare system and to keep more Marylanders from dying.”

Among the restrictions taking effect at 5 p.m Nov. 20: “Capacity at retail establishments and religious facilities will be reduced to 50%, bringing them into line with indoor dining and personal services businesses, as well as bingo halls, bowling alleys, pool halls, roller and ice skating rinks, fitness centers, and social and fraternal clubs.

“We are in a war right now, and the virus is winning,” Hogan said. “Now more than ever, I am pleading with the people of our state to stand together a while longer to help us battle this surging virus.”

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker also announced restrictions that take effect Nov. 20.

WBEZ reports: “Retail stores can remain open but with only 25% capacity, while grocery stores and pharmacies can operate at 50% capacity.”

“To stop this spread and preserve some semblance of the holidays, all of us need to do more than just wear our masks now – though masks are mandatory throughout the state,” Pritzker said. “The simple fact is that COVID-19 is spreading so quickly and so widely, and our hospitals are beginning to experience real strain and at the current infection rate they will be overwhelmed. So whenever possible, we need you to stay home.

“I’m hopeful that by limiting our in-person interactions, we will succeed at avoiding a stay-at-home order like what we had in the spring — when the choice between saving lives and saving livelihoods was even more stark. Tier 3 may allow us to do both. Like in other states like Michigan and California and Washington, it’s our best effort to avoid a stay-at-home order and save lives.”

In New Mexico, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced that the state “will temporarily re-enact a statewide order closing in-person services for all non-essential activities in order to blunt the unprecedented spike of COVID-19 illnesses and to attempt to relieve dramatically escalating strain on hospitals and health care providers across the state.” The restrictions are effective Nov. 16 through Nov. 30.

Notably, the New Mexico governor’s office “announced some big-box retailers such as Hobby Lobby and Ross Dress for Less will not be allowed to conduct sales in person” amid the new restrictions, according to the Santa Fe New Mexican.

The governor’s office explains that “essential businesses — such as grocery stores, pharmacies, shelters, child care facilities, gas stations, infrastructure operations and others — must minimize operations and in-person staffing to the greatest extent possible but may remain open for limited essential in-person activities.”

Washington state’s new rules include one stating that “in-store retail is limited to 25% indoor occupancy and must close any common/congregate non-food-related seating areas,” King 5 News reports.

“Washington state is still open, less restrictive then last time,” said Jennifer Braunschweig Larsen of Firehouse Pet Shop and Grooming in Wenatchee, WA. “Limited to 25% occupancy now, but grooming and self-wash are not affected this time fortunately. We are seeing another big spike in online sales and food purchases.”

Meanwhile, Nancy Guinn of Dog Krazy in Fredericksburg, VA, noted that her state “is requiring masks for anyone over the age of 5 and enforcing social distancing and enhanced cleaning.

“We have been doing this the entire time so I’m not too concerned yet,” Guinn said. “But we do have a plan in case of another shutdown. We have already added another delivery vehicle and are prepared to add a fourth if needed. We have our delivery commercial in the works and are prepared to run all our businesses online. We can very easily swap to curbside/delivery or just delivery. It won’t help us during the holiday season, but it will help us keep our employees employed and hopefully cover all our business expenses.”

Matthew O’Leary, owner of Felix & Oscar in Springfield, VA, said he’s “expecting to go back to limiting our store to seven shoppers at a time (3,600 square feet) and still have all of our social distancing stickers on the floor, and masks required (we’ve only had two issues with that so far, knock wood), but preparing for potential all delivery and online ordering if necessary.

“My manager has made sure we have over 1,100 SKUs online, so pretty much every food and treat is available online, and of course we’ve kept our Curbside Pickup banner out front up every day since March,” O’Leary added.

Trace Menchaca of Flying M Pet Grocery in Houston, TX, said there’s been no clear mandate from the state or Harris County.

“However, every customer I’ve had wears a mask, and honestly everywhere I go everyone is in a mask,” Menchaca said. “So whatever happens I don’t think it will change anything. I am concerned about another shutdown, not really for my business but for friends in hospitality, hair, tattoo, etc. I just lost a friend to suicide yesterday so I’m concerned about how this is affecting everyone.”

Michelle Hornsby McConnell of A Natural Pet Pantry in Osprey, FL, stated: “Our governor has said he won’t shut down or require masks. We require masks in the store, and our customers appreciate it. We have actually gained customers from stores near us who weren’t requiring masks.”

Additional restrictions are emerging in Canada, noted Shannon Heitt of Wiggles and Whiskers Pet Supply in Saskatchewan.

“Our province has made masks mandatory in all indoor spaces as of Nov. 19,” Heitt said. “My town’s chamber of commerce has provided us with laminated posters to display in our windows and doors to let people know. So far it doesn’t seem to be too much of an issue for people, but we’ll see!”

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Pet Valu U.S. to Close All Stores Permanently Due to COVID-19 Impact Wed, 04 Nov 2020 05:04:11 +0000 Canadian stores will remain open.

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WAYNE, PA — Pet Valu U.S., a specialty retailer of pet food and supplies, announced plans to wind down its operations “due to severe impact from COVID-19.”

The company said in a press release it anticipates shutting down all of its 358 stores and warehouses in the Northeastern and Midwestern U.S. as well as its corporate office in Wayne, PA.

Pet Valu U.S. licenses its name and contracts for certain services from Pet Valu Canada, which is a separate company based in Markham, Ontario, that is not impacted by the winddown.

“Pet Valu Canada is a market leading, highly profitable and growing business with a tremendous history and a very bright future,” according to the release.

Pet Valu Canada will continue to serve customers across Canada through its approximately 600 stores, franchise locations and e-commerce site.

All Pet Valu stores in the U.S. “are currently open and ready to serve their devoted pet lover customers through the wind-down process,” according to the release. Customers in the U.S. can continue to use Pet Valu gift cards and loyalty rewards for purchases. Effective immediately, U.S. customers will no longer be able to place orders on the Pet Valu U.S. e-commerce site.

Jamie Gould, Pet Valu’s recently appointed chief restructuring officer, said, “The Pet Valu U.S. team is proud to have met the needs of our devoted pet lover customers in the U.S. for more than 25 years. However, the Company’s stores have been significantly impacted by the protracted COVID-19-related restrictions. After a thorough review of all available alternatives, we made the difficult but necessary decision to commence this orderly wind down.”

He continued, “During the store closing process, we will continue to provide our customers with the same great in-store experience, offering them even better deals and value. We will work to assist our dedicated associates through the transition. We thank all of them for their commitment to our company and our customers, and especially for going above and beyond so we could help customers as an essential service during the pandemic.”

Pet Valu U.S. expects to begin store closing sales at all locations in the U.S. in the coming days.

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Video: Trace’s Store School Covers Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Tue, 20 Oct 2020 15:39:08 +0000 Pandemic store hours have become permanent, with no loss of income.

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WELCOME TO Trace’s Store School, hosted by Trace Menchaca of Flying M Pet Grocery in Houston, TX. In this session, Trace talks about the lessons she has learned from COVID-19 and how they have factored into her store’s new normal. For example, her COVID-19 hours are not her regular business hours, with no loss of income but many benefits.

This episode aired live on Oct. 16, 2020, in the PETS+ Community and PETS+ page on Facebook. New episodes air there every other Friday at 3 p.m. Eastern. Trace covers a wide variety of topics, including pet store operations, employee training, buying and merchandising. Each session offers downloadable supportive materials.

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Ask PETS+: Can You Ask Staff to Sign a COVID-19 Liability Waiver? Mon, 12 Oct 2020 09:02:47 +0000 And what's wrong with SMART goals?

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Year after year, I set SMART goals for my staff, which we never meet. Any ideas what we’re doing wrong?

To the rational mind, it’s hard to argue with the SMART mnemonic — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely — when it comes to goals. At the heart of it is achievable, after all. When it comes to managing humans, though, it’s best to be wary of anything that gives off the clinical odor of rationality. In the place of SMART goals, we propose an experiment for you: In 2021, try some Vague and Seemingly Irrelevant goals (yep, the sort of targets that can’t even be counted on to form a clever acronym). Clear goals such as “Increase sales by 20 percent” can be motivating, but also create extra hurdles to fail at, which can throw the human mind into a tizzy (like a yellow Post-it sticker on your mirror that says “Don’t eat a donut today!”) Worse, they risk distorting behavior. Vague goals, on the other hand, can be liberating. As for “seemingly irrelevant” the key word is “seemingly.” This is management at a higher level. Identify the secret drivers to business success — be it actions that result in a positive review on social media or a promotion that boosts revenues in a particular category — and you may actually get the specific financial results you desire. In his book The Antidote: Happiness For People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking, Oliver Burkeman tells the story of a Formula One pit crew whose members were told they would no longer be assessed on the basis of speed; they would be rated on style instead. Instructed to focus on acting “smoothly,” rather than on beating their current time, they wound up performing faster. It’s a seductive story. Could you do the same with your staff?

Can I ask my staff to sign a blanket “liability waiver” to protect me from claims if an employee is infected with COVID-19?

No. It’s simply not enforceable, says attorney Tiffany Stevens, who specializes in offering legal advice to retailers. A better approach is to create policies for your business, give every employee a handbook spelling out what you’re doing to ensure their safety and ask employees to agree to take reasonable safety measures. Stevens recommends you hire a local employment attorney for advice on the employee handbook, as state and local laws change frequently.

Do veterans make good employees? Is there anything to the stereotype of them being rigid and rule-bound and — if they’ve served in combat — likely to have mental issues?

There’s probably not a worse thing to base a hiring decision on than a stereotype. Of course, an ex-military hire could turn out to be a dud — it’s a huge organization — but that risk is more than offset by the potential positives: Not just anyone can enlist. The recruitment process does much of the filtering for you, screening out people with criminal records, histories of drug use, problematic financial records and even some long-term health issues. Even better is that pretty much no one joins the military simply to pick up a paycheck, which is probably the worst kind of employee. Vets may have joined for patriotic reasons, to get help with a college education or for the experience, but the ethos is about accomplishing a mission or a goal. There’s a chance a freshly retired vet will take some adjustment if your workplace is highly individualistic and competitive as opposed to team-based. But if you’ve got a candidate with the skills (and the military trains or distributes scholarships to hundreds of veterinarians, dog handlers and other animal specialists every year), keep in mind they bring a lot to the table. The military has helped mold someone into a team player, and likely given them a good dose of discipline and a solid work ethic. Now do your job as a business owner to see if they have the relevant skills and personality to fit your culture.

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Indie Pet Business Owners Share Highs and Lows of 2020 (So Far) Wed, 07 Oct 2020 04:04:53 +0000 Of course, COVID-19 played a part in many.

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In a recent Brain Squad survey, we asked members to share recent highs and lows. Many of the lows involve COVID-19, of course, but there were just as many highs to balance out the year (so far) for many.

Here’s a sampling of responses:

Katherine Ostiguy, Crossbones Dog Academy, Providence, RI

High point: Business is doing well despite COVID-19.

Low point: I am totally exhausted because business has been doing well since COVID-19, with little-to-no opportunities for R&R because I can’t travel because of COVID-19!

Nancy Okun, Cats n Dogs, Port Charlotte, FL

High point: A trainer we work with now brings in the “group” for ice cream pawties, posting pix on their Facebook page. Brings us more business.

Low point: Losing many customers to online shopping because of the pandemic.

Nancy Guinn, Dog Krazy, Fredericksburg, VA

High point: Our faithful employees.

Low point: New hires taking advantage of the unemployment benefits and trying to stay home.

Cecelia Michaels, Lickin’ Good Whole Pet Food, Park Rapids, MN

High point: We’ve gained more customers.

Low point: We can’t see their faces due to COVID-19.

Heather Campbell, Bow Wow & Woofs, Blaine, WA

High point: A customer who brought in 6-feet distance floor signs.

Low point: Sadly, being called names, that cannot be printed, for asking people to don a mask.

Jan Hopper, Living Pawsitively, Lafayette, NJ

High point: New customers due to people moving out of the city and into the country, where we are located.

Low point: Losing customers who don’t leave their house often due to the coronavirus and began shopping online.

Penny Murano, Unleashed, New London, NH

High point: Having customers in the store again!

Low point: Feeling that we are not able to give the level of customer service we usually do. We are trying to respect the customers’ social distancing needs and try to help as much as we can without getting into their “space.” It’s hard to talk to someone about food when they don’t want you close to them.

Angela Pantalone, Wag Central, Stratford, CT

High point: People are traveling, and we are getting boarding clientele. I continue only to look thirty days out and find that has been a good strategy. Wag Central is still thriving.

Low point: I had my first client dog pass away in my care. The owner hadn’t shared that the dog was ill. It was scary, sad and a learning experience.

Mona Straub Just Fur Fun, Boca Raton, FL

High point: Knowing customers are still spending money.

Low point: So many events are being cancelled.

Matthew O’Leary, Felix & Oscar, Springfield, VA

High point: Being up over last July (5.5 percent) despite having a decrease in customer traffic (15 percent).

Low point: Being down in customer traffic, definitely due to our complicated parking lot. We are in a strip mall with a Chik-Fil-A drive-thru in the middle of our parking lot, and it’s constantly packed and nearly all our customers complain. Landlord, department of transportation, county supervisors all want nothing to do with it.

Dana Rice, Dog Wild Pet Supplies & Resort, Cooperstown, NY

High point: Having some tourists back and hearing them say what a nice store we have.

Low point: Still wondering if we’re going to have enough sales to make ends meet once the Cares Act initiatives are gone.

Jennifer Larsen, Firehouse Pet Shop, Wenatchee, WA

High point: Getting closer to expansion progress. Can’t wait to spread out a bit and breathe easier, being able to merchandise again!

Low point: Dealing with COVID-19 issues like masks. It is soul crushing losing customers over them not wanting to wear a mask. I hate seeing them leave mad because they are trying to make a stand. Fortunately, it hasn’t been many yet, but we just barely started insisting, even if they have a medical reason. (We are offering private appointments, curbside and delivery). Also, the negative comments on social media on all kinds of posts from people trying to make a stand or a political statement. Isn’t there enough stress right now? They have to be negative on a cute puppy picture? Really?!

Lisa Boegl, Eldorado Country Pet & Wild Bird, Santa Fe, NM

High point: Watching sales return to and ultimately exceed pre-COVID-19.

Low point: I have been working so hard to get customers back into my store that I have time for nothing else, including reading PETS+! I look forward to stabilizing and getting a minute to catch my breath.

Cory Giles, The General Store, Collinsville, IL

High point: The continued growth of our business.

Low point: Trying to plan for the rest of the year with all the uncertainty of whatever COVID-19-related and economic hardships await us all.

Shane Somerville, Paddywack, Mill Creek, WA

High point: Getting away from work for a long weekend — turned off the email, ignored social media — and having our staff kill it over the weekend we were gone!

Low point: Losing a valuable shift lead to resignation because of ongoing health issues that make it unsafe for her to work. And now having to hire!

Christine McCoy, McCoy Feed & Pet Supply, Midland, NC

High point: Having our customers tell us how much they love coming back in to shop and bringing their dogs. They really missed that with curbside only.

Low point: There’s no end in site for this COVID-19 mess. We can’t seem to see when we will once again be able to operate like we did in the past.

Johnna Devereaux, Fetch RI, Richmond RI

High point: Realizing, once again, how amazing my employees are. They are a part of the soul of Fetch RI, and I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without them.

Low point: Realizing, once again, that no matter how great my team is, they always need me to be the backbone, and I have to never let them know when I’m nervous about the changes COVID-19 has brought to our business.

Caroline Gunther, Wag! A Unique Pet Boutique, Hendersonville, NC

High point: We are busy!

Low point: We are so busy it’s almost unmanageable. I just hired more staff.

Lorin Grow, Furry Face, Inc, Redlands, CA

High point: Every time a customer expresses appreciation for us “being here” and open.

Low point: When threatened that we could be sued for requiring a mask to enter. It’s a state mandate, of which a failure to comply can result in fines, permit suspension and even permit revocation.

Wendy Megyese, Muttigan, Emerald Isle, NC

High point: I received a card from one of my team members. It is folded in a certain way that when closed says “You are Terrifying.” When it is open, it says “You are a terrific boss. I am really enjoying the comfortable work environment you foster.” It meant so much to me, I put it on my dresser where I can see it on a daily basis.

Low point: A customer commented on the sign on our door regarding masks and said that it should be “more forceful.” Thankfully I wasn’t there when he made the comment, but after I heard about it, I retreated to my car and let out a long and very cathartic scream.

Brett Foreman, euPAWria Holistic Pet Center, Owego, NY

High point: The steady return of customers who want to get out the house and shop, and chat.

Danielle Wilson, Bath & Biscuits, Granville, OH

Low point: I had to terminate a two-year employee for being aggressive with a Doodle puppy. Definitely a low point.

Adrian Archie, petNmind, Coconut Creek, FL

High point: We are still kicking during COVID-19. We are fortunate to be in a good area where customers still have disposable income.

Low point: staffing issues. COVID-19 has created a staffing bottleneck. Older employees are afraid to work, and younger employees require training and they periodically leave.

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Dogs Deployed to Detect COVID-19 at Finland Airport Thu, 24 Sep 2020 04:04:26 +0000 4 dogs are now on the job in a pilot project.

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Researchers believe dogs can detect COVID-19, and they’re testing the idea at the airport in Helsinki, Finland.

Four dogs are now on the job in a pilot project, The Guardian reports. Several more are being trained to join them.

“It’s very promising,” Anna Hielm-Björkman of the University of Helsinki was quoted saying. “If it works, it could prove a good screening method in other places.” Such places could include hospitals and sporting events.

According to The Guardian: “After collecting their luggage, arriving international passengers are asked to dab their skin with a wipe. In a separate booth, the beaker containing the wipe is then placed next to others containing different control scents – and the dog starts sniffing.”

If the dog alerts handlers to a positive finding, the traveler is asked to take a polymerase chain reaction  test via nasal swab.

Scientists in several other countries, including Germany, are also researching the COVID-19-detecting abilities of dogs. Finland is reportedly “the first country in Europe to put dogs to work sniffing out the coronavirus,” The Guardian reports.

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What I Did When an Employee Tested Positive for COVID-19 Mon, 21 Sep 2020 04:04:58 +0000 It's the call from an employee every business owner dreads.

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I THINK MANY PEOPLE will agree when I say the last six months have been the hardest six months any business owner will ever experience. I remember waking up back in March and within minutes of opening my eyes feeling that tightness in my chest, the tears welling in my eyes, and panic setting in. What new challenge would the day bring? Were we going to have to close one of our stores? Were we going to be told to close? Would there be a message from one of our employees that they felt sick, and what would we do if they had COVID-19?

Since the pandemic began, many facets of our business model have changed. We have stricter protocols for calling out sick, our stores have never been cleaner, and we no waste worry on the owner with an unlocked retractable leash. Instead, we worry if they are wearing a mask that covers their nose and mouth. Protecting our employees and our customers is our top priority.

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In the past, if an employee called out sick, we would ask them, “Are you truly sick or can you work your shift?” We required our employees to find coverage for their scheduled shift if they could not come in, and if they were out for more than two days, a doctor’s note was needed to excuse the absence.

Fast forward to today. Now when an employee calls out sick, they can’t come back to work without a doctor’s note stating they are able to return and have no signs of COVID-19. The simple fact is that if an employee has symptoms of COVID-19 and we allow them to come in, we are possibly spreading it to all of our employees and to our customers.

We have more than 60 people employed in our company. Since the pandemic started, we’ve had more than a dozen employees tested and just recently our first positive case of COVID-19. I had rehearsed what would happen if we had an employee test positive. When it finally happened, it was nowhere near as eventful as what I planned.

Earlier this week, one of our employees let me know that their partner was being tested for COVID-19 because they were exposed to someone who tested positive at their place of employment. I did what my gut told me to do: I sent her home and told her to let me know her partner’s results. When she called me to tell me her partner was positive, I advised her to quarantine for two weeks and recommended she get tested. She did the following day, and she tested positive.

What to do when you get that call.

First and foremost, do not panic. Like most, I thought I would have to close my business and have all of my employees tested. This is not the case. The guidelines are different from state to state, so call your local department of health if you have an employee who tests positive for COVID-19.

When you do, be sure to have all of your facts ready. In our case, we needed to provide the employee’s name, address, phone number, date of birth, when they were tested and how many of our employees they had been in contact with. We were also asked if our employees wear masks, practice social distancing, and if we sanitize our highly trafficked areas frequently.

Answering those questions made me extremely thankful that I had added so many strict policies in our stores. We require masks. We ask anyone who comes into our stores to wear a mask. If an employee has any symptoms of a cold or flu, they will be wearing a mask while at work even after masks are no longer mandatory in our state.

We have always been proactive about cleaning. We offer grooming in addition to retail, so we have always used a powerful disinfectant in our grooming salons. It was a simple decision to buy the disinfectant in bulk, and it is now used on every surface in our stores. We wipe down highly trafficked areas hourly, and pin pads and door handles in between every customer. We also use a germ buster to sanitize our stores every week. I am so thankful we added extra precautions. Because we did, we did not have to close any of our stores.

Next, I informed all my employees that she had been in close proximity to that they may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 and let them know that they had the option of being tested. We would only have required testing and quarantine if the employees were symptomatic. In our case, she had only worked with three people for a short amount of time, they were more than 6 feet apart and everyone was wearing a mask. Those extra precautions worked in our favor. I was one of the people she worked with, and I tested negative. The two others also tested negative.

We have tried to keep our sense of humor through all this. We had custom masks made with our Bulldog’s face and made it a part of our dress code. How can you not smile when looking at your co-worker with a Bulldog underbite? I also just had shirts made that say “Caution, 6 feet, may bite” for all our employees to remind them and our customers to practice social distancing.

For our customers, we put up plexiglass barriers with signs that read, “You are witnessing DK employees in their natural habitat. Please don’t tap on the barrier. It agitates the employees. Also, don’t feed the employees. They may follow you home.”

If we’ve learned anything in the last six months, it’s to never get too comfortable. As much grief as 2020 has given us, I am thankful for it. It’s shown us that we can change our business model and still be successful, and it’s made me incredibly thankful for everything we have. From our employees to our customers, we have seen so much love and support. 2020 will always be known as a (Ross) Geller year for us. It taught us to PIVOT!

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Study Shows 75% of Americans with Cats Couldn’t Have Gotten Through the Quarantine without Their Pet Fri, 14 Aug 2020 06:49:04 +0000 (PRESS RELEASE) The survey of 2,000 cat owners (57% of whom also have a dog) looked at the various benefits provided by our furry friends during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ways in which they helped us through. Pets were found to provide comfort and help with feelings of anxiety: 57% said having a pet […]

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(PRESS RELEASE) The survey of 2,000 cat owners (57% of whom also have a dog) looked at the various benefits provided by our furry friends during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ways in which they helped us through.

Pets were found to provide comfort and help with feelings of anxiety: 57% said having a pet made them feel less alone, while 49% said it helped them feel less anxious.

Those weren’t the only benefits though — 41% said being with their pet gave them someone to talk to and 35% said their pet brought a feeling of positivity to their days.

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Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Royal Canin in advance of National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day on Aug. 22, the survey also found quarantine was an opportunity for respondents to learn more about their four-legged friends.

Two-thirds (66%) of cat owners surveyed learned or noticed something new about their pet, while 76% became closer to their pet as a result of the quarantine.

Being cooped-up indoors gave respondents time to uncover a new spot their pet enjoys hiding in (64%), notice a new behavior (57%) and discover a new food their pet likes (55%).

But our pets, like many of us, may be ready for things to return to normal: the survey found 73% of those surveyed said their cat seems to be ready for some space.

“Although many cats are enjoying the attention from their owners being at home, most cats are independent and do a good job of structuring their day themselves,” said Laura Pletz, DVM, Scientific Services Manager, Royal Canin. “Owners should make gradual changes to help reduce stress and ease the transition back to ‘normal’ life.”

With all the things our pets do for us — during quarantine and beyond — it’s no wonder that respondents want to return the favor.

Eighty-six percent of respondents said they want to take care of their pet because their pet takes care of them — and 84% said their cat is important to them, and therefore their health is important.

But when it comes to taking their cat to the vet, some respondents have misconceptions about the best practice.

Many cats aren’t being taken in regularly: 6 in 10 said they only take their cat to the vet when they notice something is wrong, versus taking them for check-ups.

Twenty-three percent of those surveyed believe cats don’t need to be taken to the vet as often as dogs, while 24% don’t believe indoor cats need to be vaccinated.

And 35% mistakenly believe indoor cats don’t need to be taken to the vet as often as outdoor cats.

In good news though, the survey found 66% plan to change how they care for their pet after COVID-19.

And to thank them for all the things they did for us during this time, 36% plan to take their pet to the vet once quarantine ends to make sure they’re healthy.

“Regular veterinary visits ensure that cats are up-to-date on all vaccinations, heartworm prevention, and flea and tick prevention,” said Laura Pletz, DVM, scientific services manager, Royal Canin. “Annual vet visits for all cats are essential to maintaining health and wellbeing, but senior cats and those with chronic conditions should be seen more frequently.”

Benefits of Having a Pet During the Quarantine
  • Helped them to feel less alone 57%
  • Helped them to feel less anxious 49%
  • Playing with their pet helped encourage them to move around my space 47%
  • Gave them someone to talk to 41%
  • Helped give them a schedule throughout the day 39%
  • Brought a feeling of positivity into my day 35%
Why Are Cats Not Taken to the Vet More Often?
  • It’s too expensive 35%
  • Don’t believe their cat needs to go to the vet more often 30%
  • Never convenient to go to the vet (they’re out of the way) 27%
  • Lack of access to nearby vets who they trust 22%
  • Their cat hates going to the vet (causes them stress, etc.) 21%
  • Worried about what the vet might find 18%
  • Too difficult to get their cat in the carrier/car 18%

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New Freshpet Poll Reveals How the Pandemic Is Impacting Pet Parenting Fri, 14 Aug 2020 06:16:01 +0000 If a feel-good story has surfaced during the COVID-19 lockdown, it’s the connection between people and their pet companions.

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(PRESS RELEASE) SECAUCUS, NJ — If a feel-good story has surfaced during the COVID-19 lockdown, it’s the connection between people and their pet companions.

With adoptions soaring the past several months and Americans spending more time at home with their four-legged companions, pet parents say the pandemic has shed new light on how much their pets mean to them – so much that they are impacting major decisions – according to a recent survey by Freshpet, the first-to-market-leader in fresh pet food.

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Podcast: Marketing Pro Giselle Ugarte on Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Pet Business

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Podcast: Get Social with Jennifer Kirk of Posh Puppy Boutique and Vanderpump Dog Foundation

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Podcast: Should You Carry Poop Bags Featuring the Faces of Donald Trump and Joe Biden?

The newly released Freshpet Pets, People, Pandemic Poll: Navigating Pet Parenthood in the New Normal, found:

  • Over half of American pet parents (55 percent) say they will feel guilty for leaving their pets home when they go back to work away from home.
  • Nearly two in five American pet parents (38 percent) want to get a new pet to keep their current pet(s) company when they go back to work away from home.
  • More than four in five American pet parents (83 percent) say that spending time with their cat and/or dog during lockdown improved their mood more than online shopping or spending time with a significant other.

“We’re part of their pack, so when someone is missing, pets feel like the pack is not as strong and safe as it can be,” said Dr. Gerardo Perez-Camargo, DVM, VP of Research and Development at Freshpet. “We need to realize when we return to the office, pets don’t know how long we’ll be away for — or even if we’ll come back.”

According to Perez-Camargo, signs of separation anxiety include dogs licking their lips or paws repeatedly, and cats having accidents outside their litter boxes or demonstrating destructive behavior. But there are steps pet parents can take to help put their animals at ease, he said:

  • Leave a radio on with music or voices, particularly if you use it when you’re at home with your pet.
  • Let your pet have safe access to windows so they can watch wildlife activity, like at bird feeders or in flower beds.
  • Pets find comfort in the scent of their pet parents, so consider leaving the t-shirt you slept in on your pet’s bed when you leave.
Life Decisions

There’s no doubt our furry friends are an important part of our lives. As found in the survey results, over one-third of American pet parents (37 percent) would choose their cat/dog as their companion should there be a second wave of COVID-19 lockdown. In fact, many pet parents have reconsidered their ways of living to accommodate their pets during this time.

  • Over two in five female pet parents (44 percent) would choose to quarantine with their cat/dog if there was a second wave of COVID-19 lockdown and they had to choose one companion to stay home with, while nearly half of male pet parents (47 percent) would choose their significant other.
  • About 2 out of 5 American pet parents (42 percent) are more mindful of their spending habits as a result of having a pet during the lockdown.
  • 1 out of 10 American pet parents (13 percent) have made a career change—found a job with more flexible hours, switched to remote working, found a new job, etc.—as a result of having a pet during the lockdown.
Picky Eaters

Nearly half of American pet parents (47 percent) say their pet(s) has become a bit of a snob when it comes to their daily pet food. And according to Freshpet’s top veterinarian, it’s not necessarily because they’ve sampled a few more treats or table scraps during quarantine.

“Pets can get bored with their food,” said Perez-Camargo. “Imagine if you ate the same dry food for breakfast and dinner day after day. Now and then, it’s a good idea to mix it up and provide some variety.”

The following are a few helpful tips to entice your pet at the food dish:

  • Some small dogs have short jaws and older dogs may have tooth loss or sensitive gums, so consider providing them with soft food.
  • Freshpet, for example, is very high in meat that’s gently cooked, so it’s juicy, appetizing and easy to chew and digest.
  • Other things you can do to stimulate your pet’s appetite is to ensure regular exercise.
  • Also, avoid feeding at the hottest time of the day, as that reduces willingness to eat.

The survey was conducted online within the U.S. by The Harris Poll, on behalf of Freshpet, from July 16-20, 2020. The survey polled 1,378 U.S. adults ages 18 and older who are pet parents (own a cat(s) and/or dog(s)). This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated.

For more information about Freshpet, visit, and connect with Freshpet on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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Marsh Dog Partners with Louisiana Shelters in Campaign to Help Dogs and Wetlands Mon, 10 Aug 2020 06:18:55 +0000 It sponsors "Mardi Paws Bark Week" and support area efforts in the national "Clear the Shelters" campaign.

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(PRESS RELEASE) The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused widespread economic duress to many families in the region. This duress, in turn, has led to increased dog surrenders and decreased adoptions. Thousands of dogs need forever homes. In an effort to bring the issue to the public,encourage more adoptions, and good stewardship of dogs and wetlands, Marsh Dog is donating a bag of Wild Nutria Blueberry treats with every adoption from a participating partner. The campaign runs through the months of August and September. Participating partners include Friends of the Animals, Capital Area Animal Alliance, Hope & Hearts 4 Paws, St. Tammany Animal Shelter, St. Charles Animal Shelter, Jefferson SPCA, Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter, Zeus’ Rescues, Take Paws Rescue, Metairie Humane Shelter, and Animal Rescue NOLA.

In concert with “Save a dog. Save our Wetlands,” Marsh Dog also sponsors “Mardi Paws Bark Week” and support area efforts in the national “Clear the Shelters” campaign.

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Video: Dogs Sniff Out COVID-19 After a Week of Training Sat, 25 Jul 2020 04:04:17 +0000 The study involved 8 canines from the German military.

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A group of researchers taught dogs to reliably sniff our COVID-19 — and it only took a week.

The study involved “eight specialised sniffer dogs” from the German military checking samples for the coronavirus. They were able to distinguish between samples from infected and non-infected individuals with an average sensitivity of 83 percent and a specificity of 96 percent.

This was after only a week of training.

The research was conducted by a team from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover in cooperation with the Bundeswehr, the Hannover Medical School and the University Medical-Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf.

“This method could be employed in public areas such as airports, sport events, borders or other mass gatherings as an addition to laboratory testing, helping to prevent further spreading of the virus or outbreaks,” the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover stated.

The study was published in the journal BMC Infectious Diseases.

Watch the video:

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Retailers Should Set Nationwide Mask Policy to Combat COVID-19, Says NRF Fri, 17 Jul 2020 04:04:18 +0000 The group applauded the policies set by Walmart and others.

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WASHINGTON – The National Retail Federation issued a statement encouraging all retailers to adopt a nationwide policy that requires customers to wear face coverings or masks.

The goal is to protect the health and well-being of customers, associates and partners during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a press release from the NRF.

“The health and safety of associates and customers is retailers’ number one priority and wearing a face covering or mask is scientifically proven to reduce the spread of COVID-19,” NRF said in the statement. “NRF applauds the leadership of companies like Walmart, Starbucks, Best Buy, BJ’s Wholesale Club, Apple, Qurate Retail Group, Costco and others that have implemented nationwide mask mandates.”

Podcast: Marketing Pro Giselle Ugarte on Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Pet Business
Behind the Pages

Podcast: Marketing Pro Giselle Ugarte on Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Pet Business

Podcast: Get Social with Jennifer Kirk of Posh Puppy Boutique and Vanderpump Dog Foundation
Behind the Pages

Podcast: Get Social with Jennifer Kirk of Posh Puppy Boutique and Vanderpump Dog Foundation

Podcast: Should You Carry Poop Bags Featuring the Faces of Donald Trump and Joe Biden?
Behind the Pages

Podcast: Should You Carry Poop Bags Featuring the Faces of Donald Trump and Joe Biden?

The group said it hoped that the recent announcement by Walmart that it would enforce a policy requiring customers to wear a mask to shop in their stores would be a tipping point in this public health debate.

“Workers serving customers should not have to make a critical decision as to whether they should risk exposure to infection or lose their jobs because a minority of people refuse to wear masks in order to help stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus,” NRF stated.

The group added: “Stores are private businesses that can adopt policies permitted by law for the health and safety of their associates and their customers. Shopping in a store is a privilege, not a right. If a customer refuses to adhere to store policies, they are putting employees and other customers at undue risk.”

A recent letter signed by the NRF, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and other industry groups emphasized the importance of a national mask standard. It was sent to President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and governors across the country.

Meanwhile, the Retail Industry Leaders Association is also seeking mandatory masking in every state to combat the pandemic. The group’s president, Brian Dodge, sent a letter to two leaders of the National Governor’s Association: Chair Lawrence J. Hogan Jr., governor of Maryland, and Vice Chair Andrew M. Cuomo, governor of New York. Dodge wrote that a “patchwork of local mandates” for retailers “made it incredibly difficult to focus on implementing the right safety protocols.”

Masks are popular among PETS+ readers. In a recent COVID-19 Impact Survey, we focused on the segment of the pet industry most impacted by government restrictions: grooming salons and grooming departments in pet stores.

We asked, “Are you requiring employees to wear masks?” A combined 76 percent said they do, with 21 percent responding “Yes, at all times” and 55 percent responding “Yes, but only when social distancing can’t be maintained or when engaging with human clients.”

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