IN PART TWO of our COVID-19 Impact Survey, we asked, “What sort of timeline would you like to see for the reopening of all businesses in your area?” The top response at 47.4 percent was “When we have flattened the curve.”
That was the answer from Rosi Ladouceur of Barrkhaven Pet Boutique and Spaw in Ottawa, ON. She said, “I think it is important not to jump back in too early, until we have a handle on the spread of the virus.”
Jeff Jensen of Four Muddy Paws in St. Louis also responded, “When we have flattened the curve.” He added that “After more than 35 years in retail, we’ve never experienced anything like this. It’s going to forever change our communities in terms of losing small businesses including shops, restaurants and bars. I don’t think our business will ever look the same that it did before the crisis. We know we’ll survive and do everything to thrive in this new situation, but we feel so bad for others who will not be able to come back. It will take a lot of new skills to reach customers whose shopping and lifestyle habits have been changed perhaps for life.”

Coming in at 27.7 percent was “Within the next month.” Elaina Stanley of Three Happy Hounds in Fernley, NV, chose this answer and said, “I am grateful for our wonderful customers. They have shown us unwavering support. But, I can’t wait to get back to normal.”
The response “Now” earned 19.7 percent of responses. Brigid Wasson of First Street Pets in Cloverdale, CA, added, “I understand and respect the logic behind the shutdown, but I’m ready for it to be over because although it may be saving lives, it is ruining countless others. We will feel the social and economic backlash of this time for years to come.”
Only 5.1 percent said “When there is a vaccine” when asked “What sort of timeline would you like to see for the reopening of all businesses in your area?” Morgan Moses of Harley’s Bakery in Harrisonville, MO, said, “It sucks, but we are in it for the long haul. Stay home, help flatten the curve, don’t go see people, be safe and stay healthy.”
As of April 23, 137 owners and managers have responded to part two of our COVID-19 Impact Survey. Stay tuned for more results. Join the PETS+ Brain Squad to take part in surveys. To hear more from your independent pet business peers, join our Facebook Community.
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If you’re the owner or top manager of a U.S. pet business serving the public, you’re invited to join the PETS+ Brain Squad. Take one five-minute quiz a month, and you’ll get a free t-shirt, be featured prominently in this magazine, and make your voice heard on key issues affecting the pet industry. Sign up here.