WITH COMMUNICATION more important than ever, independent pet businesses are using social media most to relay information and stay connected to customers. In our COVID-19 Impact Survey, we asked, “What have you done to communicate with customers and/or your community?” The top response at 94.9 percent was “Stay active on social media.”

Indies reported running specials on Facebook and engaging in local community groups, with Natalie Bosch of Albany Pet Hotel in Albany, OR, sharing that she paid to boost posts as well.
Brett Foreman of euPAWria Holistic Pet Center in Owego, NY, said that “Local Facebook pages have been set up with ‘Our Area Open For Business.’ We are on all of those.”
The answer “Send regular emails” came in second at 44.6 percent, followed by “Check in by phone” at 35.9 percent and “Ramp up e-commerce strategy, such as Google Ads, etc.” at 25.1 percent.
Certain indies, 12.2 percent surveyed, responded to “What have you done to communicate with customers and/or your community?” with “Boost traditional advertising such as print and radio.”
“Other” responses, at 11.5 percent, included efforts such as sending press releases to local media.
As of April 28, 139 owners and managers have responded to part two of our COVID-19 Impact Survey. Stay tuned for more results. Join the PETS+ Brain Squad to take part in surveys. To hear more from your independent pet business peers, join our Facebook Community.
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If you’re the owner or top manager of a U.S. pet business serving the public, you’re invited to join the PETS+ Brain Squad. Take one five-minute quiz a month, and you’ll get a free T-shirt, be featured prominently in this magazine, and have your voice heard on key issues affecting the pet industry. Sign up here.