Core sales were up 4.1% year over year on a three-month moving average.
Shoppers in “choiceful” and value-conscious mode, NRF says.
Consumer spending for holidays hit new record.
Brick-and-mortar locales remain a major draw for shoppers, survey shows.
Shorter selling season due to late Thanksgiving to have impact, NRF predicts.
“These numbers show the continued resiliency of the American consumer.”
August stats from CNBC/NRF show spending focused on household priorities.
Seasonal spending expected to grow up to 3.3% over ’23.
Americans continued shopping across the board, government stats show.
But while inflation for goods hit near zero, it persists in services.
Full-year sales for 2023 also up from a year earlier.
California, New York, Florida, Nevada and Illinois are leading the brick-and-mortar uptick.
Sales up 16.3 percent year over year.
ICSC predicts 2021 retail sales will increase up to 9 percent.
Back-to-school helps get the sector back on track.
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