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Café Scientifique

Join us for an evening discussion event in Bradford. Everyone’s welcome to help us explore the latest ideas in science and technology.

Next event

The next event will take place on Thursday 20 June 2024 from 18.30 at BrewDog Bradford.

Free will versus determination: The tough life choice of our cells

Pete Nicholls

Where do germ cell tumours come from? These tumours are most common in young people, suggesting that events early in our lives influence whether they will develop. 

This session will explore the origins of these tumours, revealing a fascinating journey of both pre-determination and free-will in the early embryo.

Peter Nicholls is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Bradford. Prior to joining the University, Peter undertook research in the USA and Australia on the development of cells of the reproductive system.

What you need to know

  • This event is free, but booking is required
  • Donations are welcome! You can donate online 
  • Café Scientifique is suitable for all ages and abilities, but some events may have adult themes or content

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What is Café Scientifique?

Café Scientifique is a friendly and collaborative exploration of the latest breakthroughs in science. You’ll hear about, discuss and debate some of the most recent advances and discoveries in science and healthcare, and their importance to society.

Each event has a theme—they’ve included everything from the latest in physics to the science of music, from nanotechnology to biology.

Café Scientifique is a great way to meet new people and exercise your mind. Discuss the discoveries you’ve seen in the headlines, or learn something completely new.

Keep up to date—follow Café Scientifique on Facebook and Twitter.

Future events